well im working on my airride and money is tight this year so i made my own switch panel for the airride. i'll upgrade it later on at some point but this will do for now.
starts with a simple piece of cardboard to fit into my center console.
quick test fitting to make sure its okie dokie
a single layer of fiberglass and resin is all thats really needed.
some filler and sanding
another test fitting, make sure to have room for your covering material, i chose silver suede. here it is all wrapped and wired.
and here it is installed. i caulked two pieces of thin wood to the inside of the center console and when that dried i just added a strip of velcro on them. so it stays in securely but i can easily pull it up to get to the wiring.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
AHA, I now know how to get that to work. I never thunk to use cardboard.
Looks good.
how is it that everything you do always ends up looking good?
that is pretty neat looking, I cheated and bought a switchbox. I wanna play outside the car. Maybe I'll wire up some extra switches in the car and use the box for showing off.
Good Idea. Turned out nice.
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lookin good dude. i need to get back over to help you out. have a surprise b-day party for my gpa this saturday or i'd be over there this weekend.
my carDomain
Looks good. Put your gagues in there too.
The holes are a little off center.
Good work. I really love it.
That looks sweet! I totally love it.
So when you gonna make me one?
Simple and effective, great job.
Well if you are going for that clean look then yah the gauges in there are great. But you will get very tired of looking under your shoulder to see it. But hey shameless pic whore......

It could have been like this LOL.
It is now broken and I need to make a new one.
your ideas are amazing.. lol. got any other smaller-project ideas to share?
another idea you could try is that same idea with the cardboard but use lexan instead. Then you could wrap the lexan in white sticker type vinyl and then cutout a design in your silver vinyl and lay it over top and put a led or something behind it to light it up at night. I made a switch panel for my new car (no longer a J) that way. Just an idea for ya in future projects that might not need the more work like fiberglass......I like what you did. Its very slick, just thought I would provide another tip to an easier way to the same result
Kinda idea picss:
lit up with 4" cathode> its while vinyl with black vinyl over the top with the MACH 1 logo cut out so it lights up in blue.
Thinking outside the box. Both you guys. Hot as hell.
Looks pretty good. Just inquiring though since I know nothing about fiberglassing here. Wont cardboard want to bend? Would a thin piece of plywood or particle board work better? Again, not saying anything bad, just inquiring.