"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"
so having a Japanese license plate makes it JDM... i see a RHD cav with toyota tails, thats all...
White on gold is pure sex.
Amazing, your car is awesome dude! Only thing I can suggest is gettin a set of racing seats and shorten your shifter.
Looks Great! The fitment of everything looks perfect.
Love it! Man what kind of tire shine did you use?!?!?!?
Gotta love the verts!
"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
Looks good, I'd get some aftermarket seats, and shift and ebrake boots.
24zeta wrote:Love it! Man what kind of tire shine did you use?!?!?!?
I used the cheap-ass Advance Auto shine. Looks awesome until you start driving and it slings all over the car. LOL
"Projeckt Z24": PHASE ONE....
Meet the White Knight! Nice.
Silver Stripey makes your Day!
Paint the rest of your dash. The way it has white on tan right now does not look good IMO.
Nifty car otherwise.
Ok so how is this JDM? do you mean just the parts one the car? Because when you say JDM I'm thinking of Toyota Cavalier RHD straight from Japan.
Dont like the rear at all, not a fan of gold, or the wierd sticker on the fender..
Looks clean as hell though, nice job.
I've never liked the whole sticker on the fender at all, but the ebay JDM wantabe's headlights with turns and real toyota tails doesn't make it JDM to me.
I don't really like the white on black on tan on gold with chrome trim. Too many colors. And wtf is that sticker? It's only OK for me.
Correct me if I'm wrong but another reason why it isn't a JDM cav is cause it says Z24 and not 2.4Z. I'm reffering to his side moldings.
car look good man
to everyone wondering about the sticker on the fender its a magnet they use in Japan to indicate a beginner driver and im pretty sure it gets points at shows.
I won't flame you, your car is clean. I love white cars with bronze w/ polished lip wheels. I honestly want to paint my car white just to sport that look.
But I must say it... Automatic FTW!
Either go all the way true Toyo or go home! hehe...