enjoy all comments welcome
The one, the only, ME.
Wow thats awesome, but make sure you go back when its all finished. It'll look a lot better then!
indeed it will haha thanks
and this ones for Hypsy haha
The one, the only, ME.
Wow...I asked for close ups not super sized. Car looks good though.
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Paint that nice ride and post more pics...good job so far.
Silver Stripey makes your Day!
Those Bomex kits drive me nuts, I love to hate them. The ass-end on those things are goofy.
Nice shots tho!!
Paint it or I'm coming to take my kit back.
Lurch wrote:I hate you Roy.
i sence some jealousy hahaha
The one, the only, ME.
Very nice Roy cant wait to see you at the bash this years its been a while
thanks for all the comments its coming along very slowly but surely.
hopefully i can find a better job then wally world and be able to start paying the
important things and maybe put some towards the car.
hopefully money will work out and i can make this years bash,
last year was a blast and hopefully this one will be at least just as good.
The one, the only, ME.
i think the tide swept away your hubcaps
quickly! jump in and get them before they are taken by a riptide to sea!
purely joking
Roy I don't know why but I never pictured you puting a kit on the car. The sunfire Bomex kit is the only nice looking bomex kit made for any car.
Thats gonna look badass with some paint and wheels. Are you still going through with all the engine stuff or are you getting away form that?
Also what suspension are you on? This is the first time I've seen the front that much higher then the rear on a J.
I would have left it off till it was painted.. but meh... your car.
My dear God whats with the efing poster size pic??????? It looks great just watch doing sand burnouts cause you might get stuck.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Ryan---- yea i never thought it either hahah but the kit was a damn good deal and i WAS getting an Invader hood to but that fell through.
yes im still sticking with the performance plans just recent events have REALLY slowed that
really sucks. im probably going to go with some Traclites for wheels
probably 17's. and the suspension is just Dropzone springs for now 2" drop in the front and 2.5" drop in the rear, actual measurements
and about painting the kit, when i got the kit plans were to have it painted 2 weeks later but liek mentioned above all my plans have slowed
and the hub caps are left at home lol no use for them
thanks again for the comments
The one, the only, ME.