Niiiice man, dang I cant wait to get my engine back from the shop.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
how much do you hope to put down
and how much did it cost
My goal is 200whp all motor, doubt I'll be able todo it, but its my goal. With some forced induction, about 400hp
Right now I suppose I'm putting down about 175whp... tuning and other projects should hopefully put me over the 200 mark, I dunno.
Cost... ALOT. Between the Eco swap, internals, bolt-ons, electronics, tranny goodies... I think about $6g w/o labour.
Major props to Clayton and Dave at Level Zero
Guess that means your motor is gonna run like crap. Too bad you didn't pick a reliable shop. If it runs I'll be impressed.
Guess what buddy... the motor has ran and ran well. I'm running the old LZM Stage II cams without issues, I've only see the misfire code a couple times (and 90% of the time it was a loose spark plug boot) but I can tune that out with HP tuners, Perhaps you should remove your head from your ass? It's not like you're an expert in go-fast, you just have typical bolt ons.
The only issue I've had in the 1000km and 5 passes down the track was a blown header gasket, which has been a recurring issue (I need to get the flanges on the tsudo header flat planed).
I was one of the first to have their cams and dyno tune to prove they didn't do anything near what they claimed. I wouldn't trust them but if they work for you, great.
If you are gonna add boost, Why did you go with 11:1 CR?
gtpsunfire: something called torque... detonation is fixable with octane, alky injection, and tuning.
arnjolt: I know the guy who's car was tested, while he's kinda strange (he thought the resistor mod actually worked) those dyno runs are valid... what everyone has learnt since those cams is the eco computer is very touchy... boost guys have issues, n/a guys have issues (@!#$ you p0171... I'm not lean!) Hell, I might have your cams (bought 'em from Lurch)
Dont have to be rude. All Im saying is that if I knew I was going boost, I would lower the CR, but thats just me.
Amazing Owen.
Cant wait to see it boosted bro!
WOW, Go speed racer , GO!

Silver Stripey makes your Day!
yea im def not a mechanic but i dont think a lower cr helps boost
but good luck to ya, looks sweet and hopefull you acheiuve your goal
wow, way to be a dick.
tone down the cockiness, other then that nice job so far and good luck with the 200 hp mark
I'm not trying to be a dick... 11:1+boost is strange, but if we can get reasonable boost levels it should really haul ass. Most people go "Wtf, you're a dumbass..." but I'll be happy with 3-4psi on the street (which has rougly the same cylinder pressures as 8psi w/10:1) and just hope we can get 20psi to not ping.
Everyone who's driven the car thinks its slow, until they get into the passenger seat... its very smooth with a very long powerband, compression fixes everything I guess but I just adjusted the cams to be straight up, because I like the gut ripping out feeling at 4000+ and missed it dearly and have yet to drive the car (cant turn wrenches without beer, and now I can drive)
it may be fast but it stil looks stock!!!!!
hey owen... ur ugly! lol

there are plenty of cars with high compression that run boost... its all in the tuning, and by tuning, i mean REAL tuning, not slapping on an fmu and running stock timing maps. But Owen already knows this. I wouldn't do it if i were planniny on a pump gas car, but Owen has already stated in his previous threads he intends on running 104 octane. The cams, well, they may or may not be optimal for boost but I can't claim to know enough about cams to tell anyone that for sure. As long as he's dyno-tuning with hptuners i have no doubt he could have a safe tune with boost. 400hp? well, i guess we'll see.
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
Yeah, tuning... I should take bets on how many widebands I'll have to replace while tuning... I'm guessing I'll spend around $1000 on dyno time.
I want to run 93/94 (available as most gas stations here) on the street running practically no boost... it's still a fun 14 second car as it sits... I'd love to see a 13 second pass, but thats gonna be difficult.
104 is a minimum for octane with the boost turned up... Torco Accelerator and 5 gallons of 93-94 = 107 octane and its not that horridly priced, about $8/gallon... adding alcohol injection will also help with detonation...
The cams suck for boost, but with adjustable cam gears I can reduce overlap... or get another set ground.
400hp is definitely pushing it... but it's not worth doing if its easy.
the GM drag team (if i rememebr correctly) made over 1200 hp , with more than 40psi , and
14:1 compression
but if your gonna add boost , do your self a big favor , take the motor back apart , polish the tops of the pistons to remove sharp edges
also clean up the combustion chamber and polish it as well to get rid of those bumps near the plugs and and sharp edges
the shapr edges will turn extremly hot and help to promote detonation
and what part # aeromotive adj fpr is that you have ? i was thinking of gettting 1 for the g/fs cav
get the HP tuners and get to a dyno and tune it , so far looks to be alot of fun
keep up the good work
Arnjolt wrote:I was one of the first to have their cams and dyno tune to prove they didn't do anything near what they claimed. I wouldn't trust them but if they work for you, great.
hey man, clay and dave are really great and super knowledgable guys. i trust them with my car more than myself. like anything a modification is all car dependant. for one guy an intake might add 10HP and for the next guy 5, it all depends on the vehicle and the motor. you obviously got the short end of the stick when it comes to the LZM cams but i have a set of their triovals and love them. they have added a good mid/upper range that works well for the street which i like. there is no eason to continually bash LZM, they do a lot of good stuff.
kick ass. looks good. and expensive. cant wait for videos
[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM&00s/c sedans�)]the GM drag team (if i rememebr correctly) made over 1200 hp , with more than 40psi , and
14:1 compression
They also use methanol, which is whole other animal.
compression and boost are still just that
detonation is still detonation , and it still happens the same way
dirty elf wrote:yea im def not a mechanic but i dont think a lower cr helps boost
but good luck to ya, looks sweet and hopefull you acheiuve your goal
Go back to school then... What do you think the CR of a 3800 NA is? 9.7:1 And a 3800SC? 8.5:1. Thats just an example I picked from the top of my head.
Owen, Im not saying you dont know what you are talking about, I guess you had specific goals for this car, which is cool. We all build our cars for different reasons and driveability. Good luck with the build and keep us posted.