i was just wondering if anyone with a modified vert could post the pics, because i've been trying to decide if i want a vert for a coupe

heres my convert.
S2000 tails, Shaved doors, molded spoiler, custom color green, 19"s, all fiberglassed interior!
BroughtDownKustomz (Blue Ace) wrote:
heres my convert.
S2000 tails, Shaved doors, molded spoiler, custom color green, 19"s, all fiberglassed interior!
how bout post a pick of a car thats not stock....jeez.

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
quick question john317, the cover on the top, does that come wiht the car?
^^^ he made it from scratch out of fiberglass
I have some pics from the Import Face-off that john317 (aka Gary the old guy) came to if anybody wants them. The whole setup is alot better looking in person, trust me.
* Student of the University of Oklahoma. Go Sooners!
If your talking about the cover that goes over the top when it's down , it depends on what year it is. I think the '99-'00 have a one piece cover (hard corners and soft vinyl center piece) the earlier ones have separate hard corners and the vinyl center piece is hooked to the panel dividing the rear seat and trunk and tucks behind the rear seat when not in use.
If your talking about the cover over the rear seat area... Sorry that's one of akind.
"The FACTS are always subject to CHANGE once the TRUTH is applied"
"In the entire history of man the only stupid questions are the ones that don't get asked"
old or not, those are still some gorgeous verts
god everytime i see doublezed's car i swear i nut myself. simply amazing.
Its official the 4dr is getting stockified and sold and I am putting all my @!#$ on a vert!!!!!!
does this cout as modded??
id go with the vert or style or the coupe if you want to go for performance. id say get the vert. i loved mine the whole 2 weeks i drove it.
the lemur wrote:old or not, those are still some gorgeous verts
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...

"The Pure Sex Vert"
"The FACTS are always subject to CHANGE once the TRUTH is applied"
"In the entire history of man the only stupid questions are the ones that don't get asked"
damn, some nice verts, love all your cars guys
Sigga what?