Blown going down the track and blown comming back....
Made 3 passes on saturday at the bash.
First pass 14.0 @104.2 Second 13.9@104.88 and the third pass.......
13.9@94!! Coasting after the 1k mark because of this:
Back of the engine

Front of the engine
What I want to know is what that last run would have been, oh well I'll never find out. Traction was an issue but I was very pleased with the traps.
Engine was out on sunday
Currently comparing the 2.2 and 2.0, there are some issues but we'll see if it can be done or not
Big thanks to JBOM members (Todd, Dan, Catrina & Pam) for making sure I made it home and to the owner & workers at St Thomas dragway. More than helpful, even drove me to the car hauler that got lost on the way.
Oh and where is my second place quick 8 trophy??
12.770 @ 111.99 Intercooled Eaton M62
i thought the eco's were indestructable
^^^apparently not. That really sucks seeing that happen to you, after all the work you put into getting that setup together, installed, and tuned.
damn! what happened hat it let go?
Sorry to hear that, just see it as an opportunity be first place next time

15.149 @ 91.26mph 3-18-2006
That really sucks... Looks worse than what we all thought... What do you think cause it, to much POWER!!!
Sorry i didn't stay to help out, i was kinda pooped out about all the rain that we got, so i just left. I hope you get everything worked out. You gonna try using that 2.0 in there? That would be cool...

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
ouch man sry to hear about to motor
hope you get the car back up and running soon
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
ooooh ooooooh ooooh i can help with the 2.0 part
1. you need to switch the oil pans.....put the 2.2 pan on the 2.0 engine.(for lower engine mount mount)
2. switch the waterpump system....from the pump across the back of the block
3. I think all the sensors are the may have 1 or 2 left in the block....but ti shouldnt be bad.
As for the can be made to fit you just need to trim it down alot....and take off the top plate..that makes it look pretty. I doubt it will fit under the metal plate on the 2.0......i gave up on that part.
and walla you will have it in and ready to run w/ the 2.0
*************Yea i spell liek wrong get over it*****************
** If i write in caps its cause im @ work and i can only write in caps cause the keyboard is a retarded CAPS only keyboard.**
Your right on all of those things snowman but I've also noticed a few other things...
I need to make a block off plate for the oil cooler, and the exhaust cam position sensor if possible. I'd just swap cam covers but you can't because of the exhaust cam. The flywheel to crank bolt pattern is also different on the 2.0 I already looked at the coil pack, the idea of trimming it is what first came to mind and most likely what I'll do.
Currently the only thing holding me up is the flywheel, I don't have one for the 2.0 motor. The knock sensors are also different but can be swapped.
My oil pan also has a hole in it... hopefully I can weld it back up.
12.770 @ 111.99 Intercooled Eaton M62
nice times.
sucks about the engine.
good luck and keep us udpated
just keep the oil cooler , and make it work
crank is 8 bolt on the 2.0 and 6 bolt on the 2.2
id maybe look into using the 2.2 head on the 2.0 block , just use the valves out of the 2.0 head
sucks that it went boom , but bigger and better is the only way up
ouch man that sucks.... i LOVED the videos of your car too get that beast up and running again... sucks about the motor though

makes me sad....
wow. it just throw a rod out of no where? you had the 14psi pulley on correct? it shoulda been around 240whp or so. that cant be more if not much more then 300bhp.
how many miles were on the engine? and signs or anything?
i think that your the 1st blown eco on boost. (excluding brandosons lean problem with a past engine).
sorry to hear man.. saw that video of your car. that motor sounds sex
ouchie....... at least I kept my rods in the block
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
sucks I missed it though!
Can I just say I am so sad, but that was one heck of a mess as well. Can't wait to stab the new motor back in and make it work, we have three days.......
Airtonics wrote:Oh and where is my second place quick 8 trophy??
It's going to be mailed out dude. We gave out the trophies at the hotel when the rain let up.
If you provided your mailing address when you registered, then fine.
If not, then contact Corby Loft (The 27th Element), JCO President, or Clifford Da Silva (cavalierss), JCO Central President, and give them your contact information.
J-Body Club of Ontario (JCO)
That sucks man. But at least you didnt half ass it, you blew a chunk out of both sides
get that new motor in and running!
SpeedRacerZ wrote:ouchie....... at least I kept my rods in the block 
but its more fun to look at them outside of the block.
ouch man... that really blows... but in hindsight now, I guess we should have seen it coming.... the 2.8 inch pulley on the SS makes about 270 wheel hp, so with you running the same boost and higher compression, you were right at the breaking point of the rods (and a little beyond, apparently)... People have made more power with turbos and gotten away with it, but the S/C's powerband brings on the torque instantly kinda like nitrous, so its not all that surprising that you had a rod failure at that power level... It totally skipped my mind when you first posted about putting on the 2.8 pulley though. Oh well, pioneer the 2.0 swap
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said