well last night me and my friend took some pics. i have the 05 cav and he has an 04 tib gt v6. check them out.
this are two pics of both our cars. the pics all kinda have crappy quality except the last one. sorry.
we made this one dark on purpose. shady lol.
the next 3 of just of my car.
this last one is by far the best pic of the night and for some reason my camera decided to have perfect quality.
well those are the best ones we got. like i said we had kinda a crappy camera and it was mist raining which didnt help
the quality. let me know what you guys think. all comments welcome.
i agree with you last one is awsome , well compared to the other pics
You guys should have went to McDonalds and followed the color scheme!
Cars look great, and i love the muffler shot of the Tiburon.
jersey kid: lol yea i know we got the whole mcdonalds/ketchup mustard scheme goin. and yea the catback on that tib was like 750 bucks. worth it though. you should hear it.