heres teh front not the best pics in the world was from my camera phone
what you think i raised her back up but tried to drive her like that for a hr or so....
Thanx Charles
and hopefully it works...
Thanx Charles
Reminds me of a lesser "jdm" SAC!
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
I think you forgot to put the springs on!
Damn that's low.
ground control coils ..... and agx struts i d k its low as @!#$ and i tryed to dirve it like that i scraped pullin out of the kids garage....there lik an inch of clearance there....so i ahve it abck up and can fit 2 fingers between the tire and fender.....i can even bring it all the way back to stock hieght because i used some taller sleeves and can go all the way up to stock ride hieght and slammed in jsut a short time haha...
Thanx Charles