didn't want so thing that every one already had so im doing some thing new !!
I thought about grafting the bottoms of the 03+ cav bumpers onto my 00-02, nice job on the creativity, Good luck with it.
sweet. What where in the hell did you find an LS sport bumper? UUgh I cant find one anywhere!
1971 camaro 427 --- here!

Stock... and loving every minute of it.
Ya if done right, it could look pretty sweet.
cool idea
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
i do have to say that i like that
hmmmm.... I am confused, and the Blonde genius that is me,
does not easily get confused
Didn't someone else do (or attempt) something similar? I thought it was purtrack who began working on fitting a cavalier bumber to a sunfire.
thats gonna look great when you finish it
should end up being pretty kick ass
I work on Wall Street, but didn't force you to take out a loan you couldn't afford.
and how do you plan on fusing the two together? Its a great idea, but actually doing it will be a different story. I'd like to see pics of it after a couple months of driving.
Make it work! it will be great.. throw some eyelids on there while your at it
with a little work it will look good
I don't know how you bond ABS plastic but good luck! Should look good and I'd be down to do it if it were fiberglass!
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
props man.. thats effin sweet.. get yerself some eyelids on ur hood and that front end will look so agressive .. also interested how u bonded them also..
its actually been done before...
on a 2002 sunfire with s2k tails

thats gorgeous...i like it a lot
what dose taillight have to do with this !!
i'm making a bumper it is different in it's own way this isn't just moulding taillights, this is putting two completely different bumpers together.
you think outside ------------>box

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
dam and ida given a left nt for a silver ls bumper
not a bad start , ill wait to make final comments when its done
how do you plan on bonding the two togther?