im more interested in whats in the other garage bay..
looks good tho, i love the stance.. now u just need to get a front lip so it kinda hides the I a bit.
i love it. enjoy the boost
Man...look at that thing shine!!!
Turbo...nice the garage ..unless my mind decives me...
that would appear to be a 1970 or 1971 Dodge Callenger/ in Lime Green!
I dont see a stripe on the prob. no R/T...but should have a 340 Six Pack!

ECOTEC now with Maximum Bolt-Ons!!
car looks awesome!. how did you install that shift light?
Dude I facking love your car, makes me want a turbo now lol.
Do you have a link to where the turbo is for sale? Looks awesome, and we have very similar cars exterior wise.
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
Manta Z(The Primered One) wrote:im more interested in whats in the other garage bay.
I'm so with him. I demand pics.
I gotta say, thta is one nice looking 'fire, and a nice turbo setup!
1971 camaro 427 --- here!

Stock... and loving every minute of it.
haha thanx for the comments
actually its a 73 with a 340 4 barrel either way its a decient car what will really make u cream ur pants is whats in the basement of the garage *evil grin*
cough 69 charger 383 mag 4 spd on the floor clear title almost finished
New exhaust will prolly be on sometime next week cause im only at 6-7 psi cause of my 2 inch exhaust soo its kinda restrictive...
u have a basement on your garage??
hmmmm.... I am confused, and the Blonde genius that is me,
does not easily get confused
yea and we have an upstairs too for all the car parts and junk.
heres a picture
kinda looks like a barn but heated with cable, paint "booth", Phoneline and lots of room it works out good
I hate you in so many ways, you are turboed (my dumbass went SC), you have an eco, and that garage is like a dream!!! Looks awesome, and nice looking set up.
Dont sell that house, or the garage you will probably not find another like that. 1998 Z24 Convertible
at least ur boosted

would suck if u were naturally aspired =P
hide the front mount, get it tuned and the better exhaust, and ur golden! Sweet ride
is there a link to the turbo kit for sale?
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
the link on where i bought mine is than click team vision racing shop and ur there. I deffinitly think everyone should buy from him excelent service
SunfireGTCustom wrote:yea and we have an upstairs too for all the car parts and junk.
heres a picture

kinda looks like a barn but heated with cable, paint "booth", Phoneline and lots of room it works out good
nice BUT that side door is kinda bad (better watch that first step its a doozy)
Z24 Cardomain Site ll
ZQ8 Car Domain Site

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
haha yea thats something i dont understand why my dad put a door there if there isnt steps but once he gets back from italy we are doin that .... what fun...
any ideas on a muffler for the ehaust system and should i get duals or single?
Looks good
As for the exhaust, either a dual muffler setup like you have now, or a single dual tip
im jelious i wanted my 05 fire to be black
haha yea i found this car cheap too! 04 5spd with 8000 miles for $9000 dollars
any pics of some exhaust that would look good on the sunfire?
looks sweet and i love the garage i want one just like that.....
as for exhaust i say go magnaflow 2.5 with single muffler but thats just me
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...