MY boyfriends friend judged in it last year and he with many others said the show was over all sad, with a lot of stock to prov him wrong my boyfriend wants to know if anyone has pics from the show.
well my dads friend cousins sisters friend said it was good along with many others
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
i think your boyfriend's friend likes to touch little boys
"Boost tuning"....... have you had your 8 PSI today?
future name of the winter shop!!!
2003 Chevrolet 4 door
About This Car:
the 03 cavy is my boyfriends,he had it 5 days and was hit pretty good by a TARGET company truck f150. so a year later he is still tryin to get it back of now he just has window tint 7% and just got coilovers.he has big plains for it but hs is in no hurry.
hmm. That's a lot of smoke coming from somebody that still hasn't fixed a STOCK
cavalier yet......
(Old School Vet)
"I was gone for a minute, but now I'm back..."
well i just talked to my neighbors cousins co-workers dog and he confirmed it