what you guys all think....i have always wanted to do Amber corners like SAC but dont want to copy him....and his wheels are nice......i was going to paint my rims way back in the day but i dont want to copy people....
but waht you guys all think
yah or nah
Thanx Charles
nice.....i think it would be okay if you amber your corners and paint the wheels, cause he is thinking of selling anyways.
i'm baaaaack!!
looks good man. I say do the wheels and the corers how you want, if nobody copied anyone elses there wouldnt be half as many of the cars on this entire site...
i really like your ride height. makes me jealous. as far as corners and rims go, just do it.
Car needs a wash, and paint the brake drums black. Paint the rims gun-metal. That would look sweet!
Wash the car!!

good ride hight

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
you didnt say in your post and didnt say in your profile, so what are you lowered on
coilovers i assume...
and yea do the corners and rims if u want to.. who cares if someone else has done it already
i didnt post waht i was lowered on cuz i dont wnat people bitchin about what im ridding on.....its Ground Control Coils and KYB AGX struts
i know its not the best set up but its hwat i got and im gonna rock it...hahaha thanx for the comments tho....!!!!
Thanx Charles
now thats a drop! very nice!
nice drop... you need the rear valence though to balance the front out.
i have the rear valence its sittin in my garage gonna get painted when i take my car to the shop to get my hit and run on the otehr side fixed hahaha that why its only that side pics in any pic i have of my car.....
Thanx Charles
better attach the front, center the plate, do the corners and rims, rest of the kit, remove badges and side mouldings, tint rear windows.
front is attached best it can be i broke it hahahah ran it over....damn south dakota winters hahaah.....but i kno i jsut need to fig out how i can attach taht side cuz it broke all the tabs and the back peice that holds in on.....so ist jsut kinda dangling there i had to drill the front and bolt it on but theres nothing to hold on the sides....and i lost my damn fender liners???? so its jsut kinda danglin and the front plate haha i dotn wanan drill into my bumper so its just zipties on in the corner teh best and fastest i could hahah.....badges and side mouldings are staying because i like them and dont like door dings...im in high school it happens everyday....i got a hit and run in the parking lot so thast why its going into the shop sometime next week....
Thanx Charles
ive ran ground controls before you copier.
fix the few issues you have and give it a nice bath and it will be okay.
and if your really worried about not copying someone might as well stop modding your car now. its okay to take and idea from several diffrent cars and make them into your own. the problem with copying is when someone copies the entire car.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
ahhh u think your set ups bad...im running on dropzone coils and struts...the coils i like, the struts are bad already and ive only had them on about 4 months or so...but i love your set up...u have one clean cavy my friend...

and yay for rear valence less ppl...haha keep up the good work