i was wondering if anyone had any photos of side markers on there j body i will really appreciate it ....
what does rk sport have to do with this thread
oh and whats with the double post
y do u have to b such a smart a** and the double post is so i can get the most information and pics the faster the better b/c iam ordering them tonight!!!!!!
Rule breaker. Tsk tsk. Don't be an ass, you won't get replies.
thanx 4 all the help !!!!
Should read the rules before you agree to the forum. But to anser your question.... I don't believe RK makes any side markers. If you are talkin about clear markers you just have to look around for them.
Oh unless you are talkin about the amber lens then my bad they do make them. Doin a forum search or member search could help out.
ive done that already i usually do before i post .......but thanx
check out Jays cav (qwik2k2z24) i know he has ricer side markers on his fenders
look at toyota cavs they have ones just like it. and like said before read the rules, and dont get smart with me u damn newbie
y do u haf 2 b typin like ur 12
its rly @!#$in annoyin
thanx 4 all the help guys and my bad for flippin out there ... thanx
Here's a picture of a potato since you're in a hurry
yo y u got2 b all ghey + ish we jus trin 2 help
ricer side markers.....dont think so...not on jays z24..^^^^^^that is by far one of the cleanest,cavys i know i'veseen.
ClassGlass / RkSport / Eibach / Motegi / Ractive / Borla / K&N
Best i could do
"In JDM Land the coke truck would have more amber"