i just wanna know how he made those tails
the color on that orangeish car is ugly.........

there both hot
If l told you everyone would have them.....( hey...its easy )
their just cf tails tinted red

he used the same paint the illd9 used on the side markers only red.
oh yeah he painted the c/f tails....sorry bro tails look amazing so does your car...both of them.
those are sweet rides
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Ya man real easy...just clean up a set of CF tails real good and spray even coats of tranlusive ( spelling ) red on the EVENLLY...I had to redo the one like 6 freaking time to get tthe same shade...
Boy l'm tired..nice spelling...
looking good as always
Zspot ur new trunk looks amazing with the rest of ur car.
Dougall- ur car is just looking clean as always
ok thats what i was thinking, just wasnt sure what tails he started out with cuz it seemed similar to matt cacciatores tails
Okay thats it ... ill say it on behalf of everyone on this site ...
WE ARE SICK OF SEEING YOUR CAR, its wearing out its niceness
No more posts from you , or you will be banned.
Just Kidding <3.
it's a good thing you have a nice car... cuz you whore that thing out like crazy.
looking good as always.
You and your car are both dirty hookers. WHORE!
i probasbly have over a thousand pics of my car...
oh well... lol

wil you suck, im putting on a shaved black trunk on my car also

jk nice pics guys did you spoon afterwards lol
you post so much I'll have to say the same thing i' ve been saying.. love it, im jealous, i love the drop, you take good pics, love the color..etc btw what kind of camera do you have?
viciouscav wrote:wil you suck, im putting on a shaved black trunk on my car also
jk nice pics guys did you spoon afterwards lol
Wouldn't doubt it...
Nice pics, was outside waxing when you called - I probably would have come over but oh well... next time.
nice pics! nice cars! two thumbs up
yup cav2nv the guy that has the cav like yours lol
viciouscav wrote:wil you suck, im putting on a shaved black trunk on my car also
jk nice pics guys did you spoon afterwards lol
lol..its not black..its carbon
and there's a custom colour paint job coming this winter....Trust and every other Silver cavi can keep this look....l love the Silver......but every show l go to there's 6-10 of us.....Ugggh
I will be the one and only with colour l'm going...( l hope )