Well Started getting parts in finnaly (shipping took almost 2 weeks!!!)
Well you already all saw where and How I installed my Universal FPR on my 2200:

And the Resivior(which is now hooked up)
Well I bought a ton of other stuff and its starting to trickle in now:
Got my G36C Assault Rifle in

Lazer Flashlight, silencer, Foldout stock all the goodies
Also My New Grill
Why would I need an FPR and INtercooler?!?!? lol
Manifold was supposed to be here a long time ago, its been lost in the mail in canada! DARN CANADIANS! Hey Phewes can you g pcik it up for me its in winkler!
man i love what you do trust me, but you need to finish what you start first before you move to the next step! ha ha, im serious though thats what ive learned with doing all my cars!!!
well this car is PARKED and no need to go anywhere to i finish it but i am leaning in the right direction dont worry, I decided to go all out on the engine for nwo, get it running again and right, suspentions 95% done(need new Scubas and regulators)
AFTER the engine is DONE its going to drive to ym friends shop to have the sheetmetal work on the hood done, and the rollcage and misc welding stuff finished up along with finl bodywork and prime, then its back to my shop so I can mold the interior and take it out and then the cars off to paint!
then interior will be finsiehd up outside the car and assembled for the 07 season!
Rims are allso in the mix, saving $50 a week on em for the next few months, planning on them around paint time.
Bought mine for $400 on ebay

91 Celica ST
Although the clutch is SHOT, had to replace the water mupmp, fuel pump, altenator, cooling fan, rear brake cylinder, and battery.
The CV axle is about gone too
maybe it wasent sutch a great deal.
Keep up the good work man
Where did you get your resivior? What was it for before you put it in your Sunfire? Your car is going to be awsome when it is done!!
Its one of those ebay Oil Catch Tanks, you can pick it up for about $30 shipped, but I warn you its pretty small and tricky to connect in place of the OEM tank.
Okay, where in the hell did you find a G36 for sale?!
^^^ i think its plastic ... i have a gun just like it!
car looks good now finish it !
nice air compressor cart! ... thats a new sight to me!
That thing is a mess.
Prove me wrong that it doesnt belong in a junkyard though.
Jay wrote:That thing is a mess.
Prove me wrong that it doesnt belong in a junkyard though.
thats what happens when you have a ton of mods going on at once
imo i think it is coming a long nicely though. Just chazz do me favor please finish something lol. I know a car is never done but you get my drift. i wanna see this baby in the full package!
Blah Blah blah, Sam if you get really really really Lucky then I MIGHT just MIGHT drive it to Your meet, but i wouldent look forward to it, I still need a trunklid!
Maybe it does belong in a junkyard hah!
no it doesnt, it belongs in a garrage getting extensive work in every single second of your spare time so we can finaly see a finished product
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

I just bought a 20 inch widescreen ultrasharp flat pannel..I'm going to have to subscribe to the high quality porn places now......damn
NICE MAN! its always good to see updates from you. hopefully i will have a grill like that for my baby very soon
Just messing with the alignment I got the front end back straight and the headlights lined back up with the bumper before I take it all off to install the FMIC and piping.

Still Gotta make the hood and F/G the bumper to fit the insides of the hedlights but you get the idea.
Still Waiting on the Manifold to get here, which im shure it wont so ill be filing a claim with ebay and paypal tuesday if they still havet showed up
Aslo Just realised with the last Dropmods that My transmission pan has been bashing into the ground.
So any ideas where I can order a New 4T40E tranny pan? Mines FUDGED!
Ok Got the Mani and Installed it tonight, Fitment was perfect and went on in less than 10 min, anyone know the Torque spec's on the 2200 off hand?
Not shure if Im going to keep this one or have my friend make one, pretty shure Ill have her make one. If not Gotta take the mani back off and weld on the wastegate flange
piping BOV and Wastegate now!
Well got a BUNCH of UPS and Postal Service today

Got in my Turbo
the Downpipe Flange(WRONG ONE ARG, anyone need a downpipe flange for a t3 5 bolt w/o internal gate let me know its $20 shipped!
And My GF's Amp!!!
The BOV,Wastegate, boost controler, and IC piping will be here friday!
Meanwhile Ill be installing th IC and figureing out the downpipe!
so are u not selling ur turbo mani?
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
Nope, Just gonna modify it
Anyone Know if you can by rattle can ceramic coat? dosent hve to look good(black would be best)
boooooooooooooooooo on the amp

everything else is nice, i expect more progress when my sorry ass 56k takes so long to load a thread that ur excited to show me.... jerk lol
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

I just bought a 20 inch widescreen ultrasharp flat pannel..I'm going to have to subscribe to the high quality porn places now......damn
yay more progress, Made the frame to old the FMIC tonight, Not mouted to the car yet(ziptied up for the pics)
Mounted the turbo and started iguring out where to put the wastegate(mock location in pics)
Made the Begining of the downpipe
Re-routed the hardline radiator hose witha soft one
We would have gotten alot more done, but we took the Celica(the 01 Supercharged celica, kitted, rims, lambos, exaust, GTS 6 sped I post about all the tme) and went to lunch. Hada Pickup pull out in front of us, sweverd spun around hit an 10" curb and bouced up into a tele pole and broke it, just me and clint the owner were in the car, but its now totals, im jsut sore as hell
Pics of his car soon, The Suspenion an rims on the drivers side got DESTROYED and mangled, the Drivers door got pushed out and forward about 3" and crushed in, the rear 1/4 panel took the blunt of the blow from the pole and its toast. Cars pretty much deffinatly totaled.
Ill be installing the Poil feed line for the turbo today, Welding on the Frame for the FMIC, Welding the downpipe completly(inside and out) Starting on the instalation of the wastegate(gona take a @!#$load of welding to get it there, INstalling the boost controler, and making space for the charge pipes(arnt here yet)