love it dude, one of my favs for sure
that hood really set your car off god d@m that looks nice
looks good
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
lovin the hood man.. leave it.. dont paint it or paint anything on it. she looks perty. liken the graphics a lil better.. are they a darker blue now? didnt really mind em and still kinda eh.. but they do look better... hood might paly off of them is why.. who knows.
Thanks guys
Manta Z, they are Dodge Viper GTS blue. The shade depends on the amount and type of light that is shining on them. Usually they are a dark blue, but in direct light they look medium blue, or even light blue depending on how much light hits them. It's a real neat looking. MUCH better than the vinyl. The graphics are of the same feel that I had before, but are more sleek. I'll have to get better pictures after i wash the car sometime.
Car looks hott.... I love it!!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Definately looks good. Always has been one of my favorites!!! Keep up the good work. That hood looks HOT man!!!
did IZN TRBL do ur headlights? man that looks AMAZIN and i'm not one for graphics
WOW!!! I thought I loved your car before but OMG!! NOW its even hotter!! *SPLOOGE* Sorry I gotta go clena up! You jsut made up my mind as to which hood is the "right hood" for the 03 up Cavi, god its hot......
eh i think it would look so much better w/o the graphics
daaaaaaaaaang that car is hot. i dont see where its dirty at all honestly but thats the beaut of some photos lol. that car is totally awesome looking. i love it.
The graphics are soooo outdated... they were on the first modified J's in like 96... so I dislike them .. but the rest of the car is hot as hell
Love the hood, it really makes the projectors and the body kit stand out.
Looks great, Gary! That hood is awesome. You're moving way fast on this car (at least it seems so to me since I'm taking forever on mine).
damn gary! lol i knew it would turn out great

just keep me updated as ya go man! what is next?
i like all of it, keep the graphics

98' Pontiac Sunfire SE
looking great !, the only thing i would change would be either some bigger wheels, or drop it a little more to get rid of the remaining gap.
Gorgeous car, Gary. You'll have to hit me up sometime soon and send me some his res pics. Hood looks killer, by the way.
