DAM thats SICK i've only ever seen that KIT on a cavalier around here in canada man i love it nice work!
the pics look good, good looking car and scenery, im just not crazy over the fenders, it over kills for me but other than that sex on wheels man
that is a sexy car for sure
CaVy XpLoZiOn (Carbon Queen) wrote:Did a shoot last night with a friend....figured I'd throw up a few...Enjoy!
And here is my favorite lol....

this is the sexiest pic ever.. youre hott.. whats up? u single?
car looks great on the stock wheels dont change them.. trust me!
<a href="http://www.myspace.com/dave2uniq"> link</a>
ADD ME !!!

most definitly woohhoo car is hot too very clean!
nice shots! car looks real good. hot girl too.
Dave (2 UNIQ) wrote:CaVy XpLoZiOn (Carbon Queen) wrote:Did a shoot last night with a friend....figured I'd throw up a few...Enjoy!
And here is my favorite lol....

this is the sexiest pic ever.. youre hott.. whats up? u single?
car looks great on the stock wheels dont change them.. trust me!
<a href="http://www.dzzt.com/nph-6.cgi/010110A/http/www.myspace.com/dave2uniq"> link</a>
ADD ME !!!
are u seriously trying to pick up girls on an internet forum? wow..... just wow.....
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

I just bought a 20 inch widescreen ultrasharp flat pannel..I'm going to have to subscribe to the high quality porn places now......damn
Car looks great . I love the kit.Dave is right the wheels shouldnt be changed.
Hey flat black. Not to start problems or anything but i was curious why your name is flat black cav and you have a pic of a sunfire in your signature.
night shots are the best heres one for you

RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
You have received a forum warning:
Warning: Don't ever wish harm On an Ohio state player you Douche canoe...
Expires: Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:47 AM PT
his E-Pimp hand is strong...
i appreciate the work done to the car..
but not my taste
wow at first i didn't like the kit but now wow its soooooo nice do not change a thing.
Wow, you have a very unique looking J-Body... keep it up. Nobody likes a biter.
Dave (2 UNIQ) wrote:JLAudioCavalier(1bad02cav) wrote:Dave (2 UNIQ) wrote:CaVy XpLoZiOn (Carbon Queen) wrote:Did a shoot last night with a friend....figured I'd throw up a few...Enjoy!
And here is my favorite lol....

this is the sexiest pic ever.. youre hott.. whats up? u single?
car looks great on the stock wheels dont change them.. trust me!
<a href="http://www.dzzt.com/nph-6.cgi/010110A/http/www.myspace.com/dave2uniq"> link</a>
ADD ME !!!
are u seriously trying to pick up girls on an internet forum? wow..... just wow.....
YUP exactly what i was doing! thanks for noticing! LOL
pimpin so hard you forgot that HTML doesnt work on the forums anymore
Are you entering hotbodies? So far I only know of 4 people (myself included) that are entering. I do hope more enter so that we're not stuck looking at the same 4 girls over and over.
Wow... I'm a sucker for white cars, and I would pretty much say i just switched my desktop theme to your car. I used the first photo, thanks a bunch.
~ C
somehow i feel that if that was a guy's car, people would be dogging him about the fenders and the decals and how it's not "clean".
That's alright, man, there are still girls here to say how they don't like the front bumper (it's only nice on sunfires like piparo's), the lightsin betwen the headlights are out of place, and that the fenders are just
I can say, however, that she's done a lot better than other members regardless of her gender.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, July 20, 2006 3:30 PM
am i the only one that likes the marker lights there between the hood and the bumper?
looks very nice, only thing i dislike is the neon style signals between the headlights, the rest is really really nice, keep up the good work
ACav2Envy wrote:nice shots! car looks real good. hot girl too.
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
the fender is overkill. but i love that body kit. it looks great on your car man. awsome photos