i'm baaaaack!!
looks awesome bro!

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
Gold member....sorry had to. Very hot though.
BlackyK wrote:so damn fine!
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
needs to be slammed but its hawtness otherwise!!!
Excel 5 spokes, nice
nice rims but get rid of the front plate bracket
hmmmm... for some reason they look familiar!!
so of course you know i love them!! hahaha
(I'm sure Obizzle does too

i <3 Godspeeds, bizzle fer shizzles, and kens wheel choice
very nice, they bronze or gold? can't see from the pic?
look hot though!
STREAKER1369 wrote:nice rims but get rid of the front plate bracket
You can thank GM for the gay rivited on plate in front.. I have ways around that here shortly....
Thanks guys for the comments
The wheels are a bronze I was worried about them being too goldish but they are just the right color
Keep a look out for new stuff...
one more pic that came to the surface prolly the best one that shows off the color
Looking good man, cant wait to see it in person!
take those moldings off please. will look tons better.
but nice wheel choice none the less.
i'm baaaaack!!