you know i love it nick. looks great!
Not too sure about the outter tail lights. I think clear outters & clear front corners
would really complete the look you are going for though. Rest of the car is put
together very well. Keep up the good work!

"Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt..."
I like the inner tails but I don't think they go with the outers. Rest of the car is liquid red(shiney). Clean car!
Not feeling those outer tail lights but the rest of the car is HOTT as sh-t!! Talk about clean! Holy damn!
Looking good man!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
looks good man..what kind of exhaust are u running?
Your car is a POS. Fix your tail lights! -Lindsey!
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)
o BTW.. nick where is the pic with the model next to the car? you didnt post it! i know there are some guys on here that would love to see it.. might be kinda risky posting it with such little clothing tho.
looks sweet man, iowa j's rule!
The rear bumper is amazing....the only thing i dont like about the whole car is the tails. The inners look like @!#$ and iv never been a fan of euros
its definitely a sec-z car... iowa js are the best. i love the inner tails, the outers dont bother me at all either. i love that car, hopefully i can see it in person sometime.
Check out my build thread!
Why does your hood look a completely different shade of red?
OK, you guys talked me into it. I was debating weather or not to put my stock tails on with my brother today right after I got the kit finished. I will put the stocks in tomarrow.
Here is my exhaust setup.
OBX-R Header
2.5" Stainless Steel Pipe
Magnaflow High Flow Cat
Magnaflow Muffler (Camaro Style)
2 Chrome Plated Stainless Steel Tips
My sub enclosure is made for my 15" kicker L7
The sub will be inverted though for my air space. It's getting painted red along with my dash peices.
I dont know why it looks like a different shade. It must be the lighting because the whole car is original paint except the body kit and mirrors.
nice car but not a big fan of those tails
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
stock 02 tails, clear corners up front (maybe projectors) and then paint the handles and your set. coming along nicely, looks really good overall, simple but good
looks great man
what type of rear bumper is that? cause that is awsome

for sale pm me or e-mail me for details
looks awsome! is there mesh in the front bumper? and you shoulda painted the handles too. only other thing is the tails, but you got that one covered. very nice work.
not too sure on the tails, but the rest is sick man