Well heres the pics from the show. ...with an end you never saw coming..
Lets start with some of the cars shall we..
Brad, Scotty
Brad, Scotty, Chris
Scotty, Chris
The hazzard claning the car
Ass shots of Brad, Scotty
Matt rolling on the ground
Brad sneaking up behind matt for an ass slap
The aftermath
Mike rolling down the garage slant on matts crawler, matt isnt far behind
ha ha that was fun
The real cars
Brad took first. and... this peice of work got 2nd above everyone else..
nioce show set-up! So is that like an actual official car show or a gathering in a lot where the guys just started to hand out trophies over the many times they've had the show?
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
It was a local show, nothing official. Just something to do.
nice.. it's still a shock to knwo that qbe.. er scotty didnt place...
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
whats the end i didnt see coming?
Im out there Jerry and Im LOVIN EVERY MINUTE OF IT
This car that came in after registration took 2nd in best custom. There was no 3rd.
oh i looked right over that part. thats b.s., definately shouldnt have taken anything home but its a cruel cruel world we live in lol
Im out there Jerry and Im LOVIN EVERY MINUTE OF IT
when was that show?? i kkno their was one sat at teh farm show complex right? that looks like the garage that wr team has theri show in usually is it?
Yup this is the garage on 2nd st.
yea not a bad show hot and not alot fo cars but it was for the military famialy reliefe fund so for a good cause. I did take first which is nice for once. not the same parkign garage as wr though and not near the show wr puts on. on a nother note nice to see sinister out and abotu and showing as they did in 04 when i started showing my car in the first place. congrats on getting peopel who love there cars and whanna show and rep for the club.
The J's looks good..
Brad, your car looks sweet. With new graphics and the prostock spoiler. Is it CF?
Looked like a good j turn out.
ya its ashame they arent having that car show this year i herad. i really enjoyed it. cars looking good just cant wait til i get mine back from the shop finally
wow im walking on air

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Scott, that "piece of work that came in after registration" is a fellow club member. Be happy someone from the club took something home.
Looks like a lot of fun.

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
dude just wait till you see the videos of the street luge
I showed them to ppl at work today and they laughed thier asses off

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
The yellow one is by far my favorite.
see matt my ideas are great lol
yeah scotty b im a club member and for the last damn time, registration was until noon and i got there at 1130 so i was NOT LATE FOR REGISTRATION, quit your damn crying already and get over it. all in all it was a good show and i enjoyed myself.