Alright, figured this deserved a new post. She's all done, new axle, fixed the oil return problem, fixed the oil feed problem, got it all taken care of.
Anyway, on to the pics:
Right after lowering it on to the ground for the first time:
And some pics after washing it (sorry for the crappy pics, it was bright and my cam sucks:
Also got both seats in, and it only took me 10 months
Missing something?
Mmmmm 5 speed goodness
And, the fix for the axle, those who saw my other post will realize whats up
Comments welcome... - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
Buy stuff from CarCustoms Ebay! Won't be disappointed!
when did you swap to a 5 speed? how hard?

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
Nice car my man! I didn't know your car even was kitted, i just thought the thing was fast as all get out! Great job on the whole coloring scheme and love the seats also! You're car looks like mine....all torn apart on the inside, but all put together nicely on the outside.....great job bro!
Car looks great, Shifted. I'm loving the new stance and I can't get over those projectors; looks hot. I know this is a bit off topic, but did you fab your own seat brackets? I'm looking to get the same pair of seats from Jason at APlus and I can't make my own brackets and/or sliders.

i love your front end Ron
Jcavi (JoeDM in training) wrote:when did you swap to a 5 speed? how hard?
thats such old new man............ I was there for help on the swap for the majority of it..... Its not hard its just lil things that get in the way and time consuming.......
car looks deadly man. i wish you the best of luck with that front bumper and speed bumps

. very nice though. truely one of the coolest ones on the .org
Yeah, swap wasn't hard, just tedious, you'd have to ask SpeedRacerZ about the details though, I stayed long enough to pull the auto out and then I had to leave for work.
I made my own brackets, you can find the how-to in the interior forum, just search for seat brackets.
Thanks for the comments everyone else! - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
Buy stuff from CarCustoms Ebay! Won't be disappointed!
sweet ride man as always and like the lowness
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
You know I love it man.
ROn, ROn, ROn.....
heh. I'll get that bottle of rye soon.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...