This is how the patient looked shortly after I arrived:
Most everything had been disconnected from the motor and we got the hoist in place and chained onto the bracket so we could take out the mounts. Here's a close-up of the bay:
As we were operating one of the surgeons got in nice and deep:
Phil took a break to get his Thug on:
Finally got the motor out after a helluva fight, I guess Phil was making sure it was all out

Phil and Jason taking a closer look at the now completely exposed heart of QBE:
A look into the empty engine bay:
Got the motor onto the stand after a little trouble:
And finally the QBE gets some rest after surgery:
And the surgeons getting cleaned up:
Next time I hope to be posting pictures of the new heart going in and a video of the first start.
Ever find out what happened to the first heart...?

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Metal shavings from when he got his valve cover powder coated apparently caused the engine to seize. Once to motor was out the transmission could spin freely, the clutch and flywheel looked worn, but functional, but you couldn't get the motor to turn. You could find the fine metallic shavings anywhere there was oil in the motor.
Thanks Brandon for posting the pictures, and yes thats what caused it.
Thanks to John H as well for the little bits of advice for getting the motor out....
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
poor car. LOL
hey, should have done a write up on how to take your motor out. LOL
keep it up fellas, and keep us updated!
Izn Trbl Inc. wrote:poor car. LOL
hey, should have done a write up on how to take your motor out. LOL
keep it up fellas, and keep us updated!
Shouldn't you be working on something? Shame Josh, Shame
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
QBE (The Boosted One) wrote:Izn Trbl Inc. wrote:poor car. LOL
hey, should have done a write up on how to take your motor out. LOL
keep it up fellas, and keep us updated!
Shouldn't you be working on something? Shame Josh, Shame
QBE , did they ever work out a payment plan or re-embirsing you any money or something?
The shop?
No, I called today and he wasn't there, but the secretary gave me his cell number, I called that and no answer, I will call again tomorrow and if no answer I will leave a more threatening message.
I deserve some sort of compensation
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
is there a decal on your window that says tits?
that's amazing!
i am laughing at the dog waste sign in the first picture in the background. like" dont leave your crap around here". j./k
anyways, good luck with the project and keep us updated!
open it up and find out why it locked up...... cant just say it was the metal grit.....
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
SpeedRacerZ wrote:open it up and find out why it locked up...... cant just say it was the metal grit.....
That will probably be happening later today, though unfortunately I won't be taking part in that.
Oh... he's coming back better then before...
lol jake....
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
man look at the wheel gap in he need to drop that bitch!!!!
Yo.. Jew... STFU!!! lol....
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
hey phil, can i have a cherry coke...hehe
you make jesus that walked on the earth cry!
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
your window says tits

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.