I've never posted pics of my car on the JBO before. I figure, why not? The car makes me happy for now, truly I would be happiest with an F-body. I'm hoping to have KYB AGX's w/Eibach springs before the end of fall. On with the pictures:
My voltmeter. Not necessary right now, but when I finally put my old system in there I really need to monitor the voltage. Last car I had it in my battery light came on at 16k(that car was brand new!) Next picture is the switch that turns on the voltmeter. It doesn't need to be on all the time, only when I crank it.
Painted valve cover. I like the way it came out. It's the first time I painted something to put in my car. Second thing was painting my RKsport upper and lower motor mount black too. I want the not so obvious look, and I think it works well.
My "custom" intake

It's loud and cheap, that's all I want for right now. It's entertaining to me to mash the pedal and just listen as the RPM's climb. I did this just to make swapping back to stock easy. That way if I have to bring it to the dealer for something, they can't hassle me about modifications.
30% tint rear three windows. I like how it came out, the dot matrix in the rear window doesn't look that great though. I'm at the state limit for tint, I don't want any darker just so the police don't have a reason to pull me over. (though my driving habits are more than enough to do that, I just don't need anymore fuel to their fire)
I need a new emblem. I wanted the c/f ones in the group purchase, but now we are getting refunded instead. I guess I'll wait till that straitened out and try ordering one again. You can see in the picture that the paint on the back side of the emblem is peeling away. Oh well.
Very temporary sub set up! It's just enough to add base to the stock speakers. I hope to have new speakers front and rear before the end of the year. I have a Kenwood 800 watt amp and Kicker Solo-baric 10" L5 sub that I want to put in. I just haven't finished building the box for it yet. When done, I want to spray the box with the Rhino lining stuff.
Just a few of the outside photos.
Hope some of you like where I'm going with it. Again it's going the way I want it too for now. Things are going to be done, but slowly. I'm trying to save for a condo/house (which, let's face it, way cooler than modding a car!) Thanks for checking it out.
I have a company car (2005 kia rio! woohoo) so it's been real easy to keep clean, I'm just sad I don't drive it anymore
Sry, nothing is cooler than modding a car! !!!1111!
But having your own house/condo is an instant boob magnet
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
Damn, that valve cover looks really good on there.
hey man lookin real good! wat color and were did you buy the paint?
looks good black valve covers for the win lol
Thanks for the positive feed back

I used Dupli Color engine enamel ceramic primer and gloss black spray paint. I picked up mine at the local auto parts store, but I think Wal-Mart has them too. It was the 500 degree paint as well. I'm real happy how it came out. A big part of that was prep. So for those who want to do the same thing, take your time and you'll be happy the way it turns out. Just don't knick the paint till it's had time to bake on. I knicked mine and it comes off real easy. You can see it just above the top right bolt on the IDI cover. **sigh** Oh well.
I'm married

So the magnet part isn't as important. Two big things I want with a condo/house is a garage (hell ya!) and washer and dryer. As much as I love my parents, I still hate killing half my day going to their house to do our laundry. I think that the washer/dryer will be more realistic to get than the garage right now, the prices around here are ridiculous!!!!
hey jay i never even saw your valve cover before... i def like the black! its the hawtness!!!
Thanks Greg

do it to yours, real easy and I can give you a hand if you want.
Very nice car. Good start.

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
Double A-Ron(dirty J) wrote:Bballjamal (Cav-AtL) wrote:
But having your own house/condo is an instant boob magnet 
very true!!
@!#$ werd to that!
mods look good and pretty clean
i like the wheels
@!#$ werd to that!
mods look good and pretty clean
i like the wheels
Thanks, I was looking for something stock size but different without being extreme. The offset pushes the tires right to the edge of the fenders. I hope this isn't a problem when I finally lower it.
looks nice. funny i looked at this post didnt know it was you until you told me the other day(sunnyside merrimack). anyways keep it up
I figured you'd find it just fine after I told you