I love the stance of your car!
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
ecotecpower wrote:The cones where useless at this show people just went in front of them. One ladies little girl started picking them up and stacking them LOL
its like the Best Buy show some of us in Indiana went to, they set up shopping carts to kinda block off the section and during the show poeople would just squeeze through and drive through like they had no clue anything was happening../
but car looks good. always like it.
I luv the Black rims! How hard is it for you to keep them clean? When I get 18's, I am planning on getting Black! Looks good!

Thanks everybody

Black wheels arent any worse than any other colors. If anything it hides the dirt better
dude that car is total rice, i cant belive you actually drive that around!
its soo nice, and low. still on them sprint springs?
@!#$ man! i love ur car. will u please sell me ur hood?

Portage, MI
HA HA brian your just mad you sold me the kit
Enthusiast wrote:its soo nice, and low. still on them sprint springs?
Yeah been on the sprints for close to 100,000 miles
I love your car to ruen, but I'll be keeping the hood
dont take this the wrong way, because i love your car. i really do. but i think the front spoiler/splitter is overkill with how far it sticks out. i know it serves a purpose, but still, its huge. and im confused about the best paint trophy when your car is a stock color... and unless this picture just bad lighting, it looks hazed and rough.
Looks hot! Congrats on the winnings. Very clean!
what happened to the red drums?
Adam (StealthCavalier) wrote:dont take this the wrong way, because i love your car. i really do. but i think the front spoiler/splitter is overkill with how far it sticks out. i know it serves a purpose, but still, its huge. and im confused about the best paint trophy when your car is a stock color... and unless this picture just bad lighting, it looks hazed and rough.

I agree that the front lip is HUGE, but it goes with the look I wanted. It flows perfectly with the prostock IMO. As for the paint yeah its the picture
Phewes: HA HA on the drums
Enthusiast wrote:its soo nice, and low. still on them sprint springs?
That car isn't low... at all... it just has a huge body kit on it... the tires aren't even tucked... I still see fender gap... not to mention it's in grass which always makes cars look lower than they are.
I also think you need a different front clip if you're gonna sport that lip -- just my opinion... it's sick -- I love those lips, but not with that bumper. Props on having the balls to even sport it though.
It's definitely a nice car.
^^ Yes the kit is big. But I cant even get my finger inbetween the tire and fender.
Your car went from "alright" to just plain sexy when you put the BC2 on it! @!#$ love it!
damn that @!#$ is nice..
i so wish i could get my car back to looking nice again.... some day when i strike oil maybe
Hot, hot, hot, oh did I mention Hot! Btw Im on sprint springs too, in MT, yeha im nuts.