hosted them on Photobucket so if they stop working thats why.. but i decided to use thumbnails instead
First off.. dont take Mapquests time seriosuly.. ended up gettin there bout half a hour earlier than planned so i was first one of us to arrive at the show.
Then after a while jeff(Karnage), eric(eric francis), chris(s1lver_N1p), and brandon(Brandon McJunkin) showed up.(brandon had to get back to work so he just left his car for the show)

And we had a pretty sweet layout at the show with how the cars were lined
and it wasnt long before we realized how effin hot it was and was going to be all day and eric started showing his child side lmao(actually was a smart idea tho, kept him cooler then us thats for sure)
Then jason(spyderj) had to show up and ruin our line up
Finally then Jason C.(sndsgood) showed up with his fire to lay it down on the ground sittin sidewayz
Then we had a pretty decent lineup after that
and not to much later the 3rd and final jason appeared lol(godspeed)
and that completed the back line
and around middle of the show Jason(godspeed) decided he needed to head out and then not long after Jeff decided it wouldnt be a bad idea for him to head out either being that he blew a dust cap on one of his subs and then had his lambo hinge go reverse lambo on him.(blown strut) and it was hot as hell
Here are the other Js that were at the show
My friend ben showed up to see if i could help him fix a wiring problem he had, yes he only has 1 z3 on becuz he ran outta time. he also has Type J sides and is soon planning to pick up a Type J front so it shouldnt be long before he is posting pics on here
a white 03-05.. nothing done to it noticable but decals, seat covers, and a ugly ass red aluminum wing on the back.. but he managed to also keep the stock spoiler on there too...

(im sure others have pics of the wing theyll gladly be posting too)
and this red Z
There were plenty of other cars but it a pain trying to do the thumbnails off photobucket so i linked the gallery at the bottom so u can see all the pics
After the show to a upset of non of us gettin anything but discount coupons and dash plaques, not a disappointment esp for a free show but the trophys a few of us thought was bs but w/e, the 4 of us left decided to go out to eat as Chris and Jason(spyderj) worked on gettin Brandon's car takin back to him, and i followed jason(sndsgood) to Bdubs.. Well jason and i turn towards Bdubs and my first reaction was "holy $#!%" as i think that was chris' reaction too when he finally met us there.. Bdubs had atleast 150+ bikes there having some sort of get together..

^pic doesnt even show half of everyone that was there
So me and jason(sndsgood) waited for Chris and headed to pinheads then jason(spyderj) met up, and we went in to eat at the restaurant inside and cool off.. i didnt get any pics from pinheads but i know chris has atleast one of us next to our cars before we left.
It was pretty good day.. hot but was pretty cool.. had fun hangin out with you guys and meetin some of u for the first time. If any of you have any pics u wanna post feel free to post em
As for all the pics i took go to:
and if anyone want a high res one of a pic lemme know
Nice - wish I could have been there
well my fellow jbo the afore mentioning of other pictures was brought up, i have come to post some more pics for all of you guys out there who were unable to make it to hang out with us yet again......
well here is a lil better back veiw after everyone was there....
And here are some pics of all of us...
And here is a new mod by silver
And what everyone has been waiting for..........the double wind cavy....yes i know your thinking what way...its not trueeeee......but my friends i assure you that this my friends is a authentic picture for your veiwing pleasure.....i tried to get a close up but i didnt want to start laughing while i was taking the picture so i just 10x zoomed from our spot on the pavement and this is what i got
So i know all of you guys are like....Where are all the girls??? Yeah thats what we were wondering as we were baking like potatoes in the oven but we were in the sun!!! well here is the one cute girl that actually showed up besides godspeeds gf ( good job buddy)......the real sad part is that she was more then likely a minor and i can prolly go to jail for this but im willing to sacrifice a few years of freedom for you gys so here you go!!!!
Well this is the end of my post so hope you had a great time, i know i did....well till next time children have a wonderful time on the wonderful JBO and remember if you masturbate shoot away from your eyes........

RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
You have received a forum warning:
Warning: Don't ever wish harm On an Ohio state player you Douche canoe...
Expires: Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:47 AM PT
nice manta
looks like it was alot of fun
those rims are going to look really good on your car
Nice pics everyone! That is a pretty good turnout of j's! Manta, get those rims on! Or give them to me!
And that double-winged cav looks great...I don't know what you guys are talking about.
Yeah, I figured my car went through enough abuse yesterday with the sub and lambo both breaking and being hot as balls..
But I will have new pics when all the new parts get installed next week and then maybe I would have won something.
I had fun though, but its events like this that make me wish my car was just done.
Oh well.
Looking good. Wish I lived closer would have been cool to meet up for a show.
man Im still a lobster, Im as red as Chris's car but it was a whole lot of fun. It was good to have Brandons car there I know he was there in spirit Ha you had to work and Eric all you were looking at was the young girls dont lie

and Manta get thoes wheels on or I know a nother car that is silver and needs a set of rims

I cant wait for our next meet and yes I will bring my canopy I dont wana get burnt again. Hey Chris you need to get your Pics. up I wana se the one of us infront of pinheads.
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
looks like a nice turnout
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
paint must be hard to find in your area
there is a shortage of it around our area....please send us some so we can paint our cars.....i would like a pint of manta green and a pint of brilliant white w/ green pearl in zip code 46012 so find out what shipping is

RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
You have received a forum warning:
Warning: Don't ever wish harm On an Ohio state player you Douche canoe...
Expires: Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:47 AM PT
BaggeDCav96 (Unquoteable One) wrote:paint must be hard to find in your area 
damn straight UCJI for life
Edited 3 time(s). Last edited Monday, July 31, 2006 9:32 AM
Manta Z(The Primered One) wrote:BaggeDCav96 (Unquoteable One) wrote:paint must be hard to find in your area 
damn straight UCJI for life 
Fn A. chris where is your pics. hey I will see about getting some UCJI stickers
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
nice pics! looks like it was fun
Very nice pics indeed!! Now all you need to do ... is get your DAMN PARTS ON!!
Two pictures of one 14-year old walking around with her dad does not constitute as "women at the car show."
Nice cars though.
spyderJ wrote:man Im still a lobster, Im as red as Chris's car but it was a whole lot of fun. It was good to have Brandons car there I know he was there in spirit Ha you had to work and Eric all you were looking at was the young girls dont lie
and Manta get thoes wheels on or I know a nother car that is silver and needs a set of rims
I cant wait for our next meet and yes I will bring my canopy I dont wana get burnt again. Hey Chris you need to get your Pics. up I wana se the one of us infront of pinheads.
sunscreen does wonders for keeping yourself non burnt. i hope to make the next meet. i may have to remove my wing before hand tho. you guys dont mind mexican guys, cause i always get greif in that area.
furcup in da house!
sorry for just gettin pics. went thru a break up and g/f had pics on her pc cuz i used her cam for the day.
here's me and the cavy
karnage doin his thing
show stopper
wow interior. i think he's finishin it up for ITB this weekend
here's a view from on top
here's the backside of the line
my eco. geez the cover needs painted and i need a new elbow for my intake. oh and a chrome freedom design strut bar has been added since then
side shot of my cavy. no more drop and keepin ls lip kit
they look so lonely out there
this is after eatin at louie's for the 3rd time for a meet? most couldn't follow after the Best Buy Car Show
really burnt and leanin on the cavy
my carDomain updated 7/6/06
I've got premium. Yes I do. I've got premium. How 'bout you?
Thats when I decided there was no good way to hump a car..
Jason........Your tall hehe
Nice pics fellas
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
they should have called it the Stock/Primered/Missmatched color show..
it does look really small compared to the rest lol