well the cav was completly demolished the other day. damn kids with a sledge hammer and rocks...GRRRR!!!
What the heck happened?
Hope your gonna do something about it...

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!

That absolutely sucks man.. I tell you, some damn kids these days don't have any respect what so ever.. Something that takes years to build gone within a few minutes, all because their parents didn't give a crap and they turned to hoodlums..
Best of luck with everything bro!
that totally sucks. i'm sorry man.
That sucks man...Id be lookin for some heads to bust!
[quote=Sh�dow�ire (mahcmos)]Id be lookin for some heads to bust!
abso-effing-lutely. That is tragic though. When those kids cross the wrong person and get their asses kicked or killed though, you better believe the parents will wanna blame everyone else.
That sucks man, sorry to hear about your loss. Are you giving up on it completely or are you going to rebuild? If only you would have caught those little !&#%!*!. How far away from the car were you, since Im assuming you didnt hear any of this happen, or even see it.
that really sucks... and maybe this isnt the best time... but can i get that wing?
t-minus 2 weeks till car looks strait...
wtf! that was a hot car!
**Wow, you know what? One t ime, I got a phone call, from a telemarketer! And they were like OMGWTFBBQ do you wanna buy car insurance? And I was like LMAOTTYLOMGWTF no! This ish is crazy!!!**
Heads would be rolling if I found them, and that's not even my car! Good luck with what ever you do with the car.
if i were you and i cought them id slit there throat, and kick my foot as hard as possible into the slit to knock their head back and snap their neck, then put a neuse around their necks, and drag them behind my car till the head fell off, and then put the body on the front door step parrallel with the house but with the head sitting on the chest looking at the front door for when their parents opened it. i feel your pain man my truck got @!#$ up last week.
Carbon Cavi wrote:if i were you and i cought them id slit there throat, and kick my foot as hard as possible into the slit to knock their head back and snap their neck, then put a neuse around their necks, and drag them behind my car till the head fell off, and then put the body on the front door step parrallel with the house but with the head sitting on the chest looking at the front door for when their parents opened it. i feel your pain man my truck got @!#$ up last week.
wow dude,
I was going to reply with "idd kick the living @!#$ outta them", but Im sure you handeled it for all of us. lol
To the OP, Don't junk it, get it fixed and then finish it!! then our cars can be twins!! kinda

But seriously dude, if I were you I would hunt those little pricks down and give them whats comin to em. Good luck bro.
wow that sucks man...
my buddy got his bike stolen last night, and well he found the guy riding it a few hours later... lets just say he wont be able to walk for a few months..... i think he snapped his leg

Ender_Wiggin wrote:Looks fixable to me...
x2 -- aside from the rear quarter panel dent @ the trunk lid, everything else should be cake. The dents in the door can be fixed by a good body shop, trunk lid is going to need to be replaced (looks like your spoiler is OK)
Sucks that it had to happen though.
that really sucks dude, @!#$in kids these days need to have respect.
-dougall- wrote:wow that sucks man...
my buddy got his bike stolen last night, and well he found the guy riding it a few hours later... lets just say he wont be able to walk for a few months..... i think he snapped his leg
in canada, and only canada he can charge your buddy for assault. figure that one out. lol
must of talked about somones mama the wrong way
That suck...... Some bones need to be broken..... I know it may not sound wise!!! But this kind of people only deserve to be beaten.
As much as I might hate someone, I would NEVER mess with their car. These people need to stop breeding ASAP...
aside from your windows, trunk, doors, not sure about your roof, or hood that can all be replaced/fixed. At least they didnt mess with your wheels sucks though.
Myles wrote:that really sucks dude, @!#$in kids these days need to have respect.
-dougall- wrote:wow that sucks man...
my buddy got his bike stolen last night, and well he found the guy riding it a few hours later... lets just say he wont be able to walk for a few months..... i think he snapped his leg
in canada, and only canada he can charge your buddy for assault. figure that one out. lol
Oh no...he could in the US too...
That really blows man, I'd be beatin me some ass if I found out who did that.