DUDE!!!!!!!! Spray some tire shine up in them wheel weels for those night time shots
NIce times. Kicks my 2.4 ecos arss for sure.
I am all that is man
wow that is one quick N/A ecotec... congrats man!!!
Makes me want to build an N/A monster now that HP is available.
I still want a video of those high revs!
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
hotness!!! i love me NA power!!
Great shots! Awesome times too! Congrats!
Got any video of that last run you talked about...would love to see and hear that thing!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
good times and congratulations
that is really good times for an n/a 4 banger, good work man
great work !

14.425 @ 97.833 mph stock + GMPP s/c on drag radials.
i wanna see some video for sure!!
nice times! and very sweet car!
me too. i just wanna see and hear a screaming ecotec motor at 7000+rpm
i can honestly say SWEET! i love how she screams @ 7000RPM!
1st 1st gen on air.....
Hahahah, maybe get vids tomorrow... local track is having a labour day bracket race... shall be fun to race on a .500 sportsman tree... only a 384' track so perfect for vids.
As for all the fast comments.... get your head out of your ass folks, a Civic with a H22 and some bolt-ons can go 14.0, and the fast eco's are only going mid 14s... I'm not exactly happy with my performance to date, but hey... more n/a horsepower is on the way and then time for boost+bottle this winter.
way to go buddy!!! almost as fast as mine now!!!

Dougall, hah. You're slow

Please try again.
Well bracket racing today was fun, even after redlighting in the 1st round. Consistant 1.9xx 60s, 6.0xx's 330s, and 6.6xx 384s. Nailed a perfect .500 light in qualifying too. Unfortantly the photographer (my ever so wonderful girlfriend whos been workin graveyards) decided to stay home and sleep....
I guess y'all are gonna have to wait for the dyno videos once some more bling arrives.
just mount the camera in the cabin so we can see the tach go up and hear the engine scream. do it at an open road.
sweet action Owen!!!
As for being fast........ since when is a H22 a stock Civic motor
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
nice times get that thing on a dyno
A new breed of J will be unleashed in 06
Creating the E-RACER one mod at a time
Member of J-Factor
Member of Wisc's J's
1/4 mile 16.084 @ 84.90 (Stock Z) 01 SPDY Z24
wow...i was really having a hard time believing that time with an n/a eco..but then i read ur mods list and yeah-all makes sense now.
very nice times. congrats!
Black 97' Z24
Blacked Out and Lovin' It...
"Z Yaaaa"