It's no secret I've changed quite a bit on this car, all seeking one thing....happiness. Well here's another season with it, and I've grown bored despite how much I enjoy/love the Z. I threw it up on eBay a couple weeks ago, surprised no one here caught that! I threw it up out of curiousity, I wanted to know the questions buyers would ask, and I was just generally curious as to if it could sell for my asking amount. I didn't expect it to sell, due to the time of year....etc. However I was e-mailed by an individual who wanted to know the reserve. I told him my asking price, and 2 weeks later I have a deposit on the way for the full asking amount. It honestly wasn't expected, but I'm obligated to take it. The car will not be picked up until mid-October....and I'm going to cry like a baby when that day comes. I'm losing a lot of money, just as I knew I would, but I'm saving the labor of parting the car out, and if kept....I would just pour even more money into this car. Another, well the main reason for selling, is that this gives me all winter to secure things a bit more financially and to decide what I'd like to purchase come Spring. I won't lie, it's hard to live out on your own, and mod, and I've racked up some debt trying to finish the Z this year which I'd like to eliminate.
Nothing is official until the title is signed over of course, but judging by the communication between myself and the buyer I'm pretty sure it's sold. I'm not going anywhere though, I've even looked at an '05 LS Sport's an addiction I won't lie. I think it's time for something new come spring though, so only time will tell. I love this platform without a doubt, a lot of bang for your buck, cars are cheap, as are the mods for the most part. Looking at newer cars and aftermarket pricing really is making me realize how good I've had it.
Let's enjoy a couple pics from this summer-
sad to see it though
can i have the cf bumper strikes?
I saw it up and even watched it to see what kinda hits it got and how high the bidding went. Nice pics and good luck with your new car, whatever it may be.

Check out my car....
Wow, well at least you did this one yourself and definantly made it your own. Great looking car I remember your auto ghostflamed one, lol. They are just cars, and new beginnings are awesome.
PS, want a convertible, I have a 2000 for sale, lol. 5600$, KBB is 6800! 1998 Z24 Convertible
good luck w/ whatever you get next....keep us posted.
u should seriously just give me that front lip

.. at the bbq i had tools and u lucky u didnt loose it then
everybody has their days joe

good luck with the new project and whats going on with the car.
Its sad to see it go bud. I really like you car, you know that. But I know how you feel about it and I think you deserve exactly the car you want, whatever that may be. Keep in touch bud.
P.S. I still have first dibs on the blower!!!

Go Go OG Traction!!
i would have totally bought your skirts off of ya

buy another cav!!
wow its joe schulte......... how ya been bro..... the car looks good man... bout the same as when i left here last year lol but its still lookin good as always bro
Shush Weasel..i want my shirley temple
Good luck with your new purchase man.. We all gotta move on sometime :0
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
awwwww mannnn..I looked up to your car alot. oh yeah and damm your car is nice.
sad to it go, make sure to tell the new owner about me rims please

WTB: steelies for cheap
WTB: lowering springs and shocks
JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad to see her go man. Good luck with whatever you end up getting and keep in touch!
well as everyone else i'm sad to see it go, but change is good, to tell you the true i got tired of seeing the same old cavy every weekend! j/p! but you should for sure get the ls sport so you'll be down to my level for once and i be able to keep up with you!
k5 ftmfw!!
sometimes you just gotta move on
there are bigger better things in life, and in the automotive world
good luck with your next project
PLEASE!! post some more pictures or even make a tribute video like QBE, i just want to see more pictures of this amazing car, it reminds me of ild9's car for some reason, also WHY! are all the Js i look up to being sold? its sad, but you have to move on someday.....
....not really but what ever

nice car man

WTB: steelies for cheap
WTB: lowering springs and shocks
Nice car....nicer taillights
dont buy another cav joe.... move on to something bigger and better. i did and im not regreting it.
Gonna miss it for sure. Keep in touch my good friend.
I'm going to cry, i love that effing car.
Manta Z(The Primered One) wrote:u should seriously just give me that front lip
.. at the bbq i had tools and u lucky u didnt loose it then 
He really was.. lol
I told him to take the S/C for me while he was over there, but I guess he never got around to it
man this is depressing, i love that car, i even liked your old car when you won that non kitted Jbody contest way back when
would be cool if you bought another cavalier, even if it wasnt to mod just to drive, there reliable and get good gas millage as long as you can deal with the @!#$ty interior
well good luck with whatever you get, keep us posted