why didnt Phlatcav take home first place? his car is clean and nicely done........... i love his jbody and i hate 4 door jbodys
BOOSTED CIVIC SIR, I don't know the answer to that one....I know that the guy that took second probably shouldn't have (just imo)...and Michelle should've got something!! But Zach's car was really nice, too.
I didn't do the judging, tho. Was just there to have a good time.
Jeremy, that's the Summit rear, isn't it?
Crystal(CrazyCavGirl) OR Jacob wrote:BOOSTED CIVIC SIR, I don't know the answer to that one....I know that the guy that took second probably shouldn't have (just imo)...and Michelle should've got something!! But Zach's car was really nice, too.
I didn't do the judging, tho. Was just there to have a good time. 
Jeremy, that's the Summit rear, isn't it?
ya i totally disagree with the judging, michelle should of got somthing hands down,
also crystal i cant wait to finally see your car done. what color u going with? same green as your old cav?
BOOSTED, my car definitely won't be green. As much as I miss it, I'm ready for something totally different. But I don't know if it'll ever be done; it's taking FOREVER! I change my mind often about the colors, so I'm not going to say right now (plus, I want it to be a surprise when/if it ever does happen!). It's got some changes coming in the near future, tho. Stay tuned.
Mr. Dick Johnson....did you miss where I said it was the SUMMIT rear?
Hey Crystal do you have pictures of the car that won 2nd in the J class? From what I heard from many people is that it didn't even deserve to place.

No offense to anyone, but the judging sounds rigged if you ask me. To be honest, I'm kinda glad that I didn't make it down there this year.

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
Joey, I don't have a pic of the entire car. But it was a 2nd gen...don't recall if it had rims or not, but it was pretty much stock other that the painted graphics. It had a dragon painted on it (head on the hood, wings in the sides, tail on the back). Here's a pic of the hood:
I don't know what was up with some aspects of the judging, but the show was a blast. You can't go to a show strictly for winning a trophy cause that's not really what it's about. It's about meeting people and having a good time and seeing some cool rides. Just my opinion, tho. Aaron & Michelle both have AWESOME j's and they both know that (as does most other people).
Anyways, it woulda been nice to meet you and see your car.
Dick Johnson...ok, I'll let you slide this time.
That blu/black cav is pure sweetness, need a custom interior and it would be even better.
Crystal-Paint that car allready... Just buggin ya, cant wait.
aaron... i want to do bad things to your car. :drool:
looks like a great time! one of these days i'll make it down to see that sedan in person.
crystal... get that car done already!
out of the J's pictured, Aaron and Michelle NOT getting anything seems to be a big joke IMO... Zack, no offense to you what-so-ever, your car is amazingly clean (although not a fan of the exhaust) and very good looking... but Aaron and Michelle's cars look amazing, and Crystal, the pics you took of them realy show a lot to me about those cars in particular that I realy like (although me and Aaron had our disagreements a while back on here, thats all gone and blown over). Show looks like it was a blast... and Michelle's car shows that you can hate something and still like it if done right... her front I HATE, her sides and rear I HATE................ on any other car I have seen them on.. something about all the mods and the amazing paint all coming together on that car that pull them off flawlessly. nice job to everyone who's cars are pictured!
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

I just bought a 20 inch widescreen ultrasharp flat pannel..I'm going to have to subscribe to the high quality porn places now......damn
nice j's there. Phlatcav's car is sooo sick!. my jaw just dropped. Ive always been a fan of zachs car too.
Looks like JBOK sent their very best to represent!! Congrats to everyone on well built Cavys!!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
WOO HOO!! Aaron! Brother, you're car is SEXAY!
looked like a great time.. hot looking js thats for sure.. no matter what the placing was..
Crystal have u got your new bumper yet? Havent been able to catch ya on AIM to ask.
Niiiiice cars there
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
those are some nice pics their crystal but i have to agree with the others to me i think the judging is off a bit but good turnout and jbody support none the less
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Nice pics... nice to meet ya also, cant wiat for another show! maybe a lil closer this time
Those are some really great pics Crystal. I honestly don't know what to say about the judging. I know there were a # of different ones, but only speaking for myself I know they spent a good 10 minutes on my car going through every single aspect of it. If they did that with everyone else I honestly don't know. The cav that took second I agree was truly a joke. Orange peel, dirty engine bay, etc. etc. Am I surprised on the outcome? Yes. Out of four years of showing, this is only the second time I have ever took home a 1st. I know what the judging aspects went on. Some judges were body men, painters, etc. so they were literally looking for flaws, dirt, paint missing, body work flaws, etc. on cars and deducting accordingly. And I know some were doing a touch and go which on some areas, shown as well. If you got one type pf judge, the car had to be flawless, the other, well you see with the 2nd gen, and him placing over Aaron. And pictures do that as well. Crystal had a dead on shot of the dragon cav and it still didn't even come close to showing what all was wrong with the car. Someone may say great airbrush work and it was deserving, others say no way. Pictures never tell the whole story. Me personally, PUKE in person.
Thats the thing with large shows. Someone said on another forum around 300 rides total this year. That requires more than one judge. Everyone is being graded on a scale that totals the same #'s but are being by judges that either will grade you fair and thoroughly or half ass judge and put down any old #. I will say this though, in two years of attendance, minus whatever the deal was with Michelle, overall this is the most fair show I have ever been too. Many magazines, and big time rides at the show have also agreed. I just hate it was someone from JBOK that caught the bad end of it. On a more positive aspect us J's literally gave people eye candy. People were all over Aaron, Michelles, Crystals, and mines rides all day taking pics. To me, thats what showing is all about.
Either way, regardless of outcome I'm glad the J's especially those from JBOK that came out to support the J community. It was great both meeting and seeing the persons I did, I honestly could could care less on the outcome of the show. Its not why I attended nor why I shown. I know I was judged fairly, though I can't speak for anyone but myself (unlike Nopi who looks at your car from a distance and walks off), so had I not placed I was content with the fairness, the friendships made, and old friends I got to see for the first time in ages. That and the fact like Crystal said this was an awesome show will have me returning for a third consecutive year.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
Orange Syn wrote:That blu/black cav is pure sweetness, need a custom interior and it would be even better.
Crystal-Paint that car allready... Just buggin ya, cant wait.
Its coming, with work and school I havn't had a lot of time...but now, I've got more time to work on her so expect something crazy hopefully by next show season!
Thanks for the other comments too guys! Other than the judging it wasn't that bad of a show, but I didn't go to bring home a trophy so...It was nice seeing everyone again and meeting some new people.
Thanks for the comments, everyone!
Manta, yup, I got the new front yesterday.
Aaron Chambers, it was nice to meet you, too...and I'm happy that I know who you are now!

Your cav was really nice, too!
Zach, I couldn't have said it better myself. I was watching them judge the 2nd gen cav and the owner was following the judge around and telling him this and that and I heard the judge ask if it was based off a picure of a dragon and he's like, "no, it was totally free handed." That made me laugh cause I used to be really into dragons and I have a picture on my computer of the exact dragon it was based off of. The guy roomed beside of us and stood out on the balcony w/us for a while and when he started talking about the paint job, I told him as much. He sorta shut up about it after that. But he didn't now diddly about cars because I was asking him what type of cars were in the parking lot and he didn't know my car was a cavalier.
Michelle, It was nice to meet you and Aaron again and see your cars up close and personal. I'll be looking forward to whatever you do next on it! I thought that you were in the wild category and I never even heard them call it. Maybe they forgot it...cause it seems like you would have been one of only a FEW that were put into that category (maybe the two bagged cavs were in it, if anything else) and you should've got first in it, imo. I don't know, but it's a great car.
Ah, well, I really don't know what to say about the judging...I'm with Zach and I feel that I was judged fairly. Seems like there were different judges judging Michelle, Aaron L., & Aaron C. than the rest of the cavaliers. So it wasn't as obvious how they stood out (they were in a different section of the show grounds, too, so if they did judging by sections, that may be part of an explanation). But this show is usually one of the most fair shows that I attend. When I showed my green cav there in 03, I was against every other domestic there....so at least now they have a jbody class. lol
I have no comment on the judgeing at all.
Happy for Zack for sure though as his car is so fresh and clean!
Thanx for all the great comments on the sedan also gang *JBO
Looks like a good show.

As for Phlatcav not winning. That seems odd to me to, I just took first at a big show this past sunday and i KNOW if i was in show with him he would beat me. Congrats to everyone though