he did a great job.
welcome back, and im glad you came back safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lower that thing in the front.. ehhehe lol
nah looks good.. nice and clean!

welcome home glad you made it back safe and thats a very sexy cav
Izn Trbl Inc. wrote:he did a great job.
welcome back, and im glad you came back safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
that wasnt the best pic it does look alittle high in that pic but i will throw up a better one here soon to show it isnt as high as it looks in that pic.
very nice ride.....congrats....and welcome back
welcome back, both rides look nice n man the cavy looks awesome!
1st 1st gen on air.....
Best looking color on a Cav yet (maybe I am a little biased). Welcome back and glad to see you made it home safely.
What rims are those? And I thought your wife said the Eclipse was her car.
looks hot man, welcome back... thanks for serving!
well the rims are ADR Victory's and the eclipise is my wifes car......but guess who is paying for it. really it is our travling car.
if you wanted a clean sport look, since your dad owns a body shop, get rid of those door side moldings.
ehhhh i like the side moldings, i think they break up the body alittle, i have thought about it but cant bring my self to do it. my dad sent me pics of the car when he was working on it and had the moldings off cuz he repainted the hood and fenders because of the dents from people opening there doors into the side of my car and to make the paint match he blended the paint into the door. i just wasnt crazy about the way it looked without the moldings.
Welcome home, glad you made it back safe and sound. Car looks awsome aswell, good job.
gotta respect that, what looks good to you, is all that matters.