My numbers werent as great as I woulda liked to see, but the car is running stupid lean, time for the yellow tops to go in. HP curve was beautifully flat tho, 6000-7800 was as flat as a pool table, made peak at 7500rpm.
sounds really good 7500 rpm sounds really amazing
So what were your numbers
Numbers are for me to know, and everyone to wonder

They werent all that great due to the piss ass tune. I hate alpha-n tuning.
c'mon what was the numbers.....?

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Lash wrote:Are we taking guesses?
166 whp
i guess we are
i hate guessing and dyno runs without # . . . . .awww
HP curve was beautifully flat tho, 6000-7800 was as flat as a pool table, made peak at 7500rpm.
At least post the curve... you can PS out the #'s
power is gay
e/t is the most important number
i bet its pretty low, 1.8 60ft and only traping at 93mph
thats 15sec territory on regular street tires, i would say about the 150-160whp
all the hp and tq doesn't mean dick if you can't use it.
Thats why I never really brag about those numbers (especially since I'm not making that much hp anyway, whats to brag about?)
application of power is key to having a fast car
but the car sounds awesome owen I can't wait to get the valvetrain to support the higher rpm and enjoy being able to use first gear a little better out of the hole (after i install the lsd of course)
DaFlyinSkwirl (PJ) wrote:power is gay
e/t is the most important number
Couldn't agree with you more.
sounds awesome, i love it!!
ET and drag skill is the only way,
E/T is the most important number, and I have some inclinations of driving ability + car setup... Ben was a worthy opponent
Now tuning ability, I'm a complete dumbass... 111% injector duty. I'm a dumbass. Ford Yellow tops going in next week... or I can turn up the fuel pressure before... although 70% is already a tad high.
awsome vid Owen, sounds mean!!!
Whats that thing weigh again?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, September 17, 2006 1:16 AM
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
SpeedRacerZ wrote:
Whats that thing weigh again?
HP calculators dont work!!
im so used to watchin dyno pulls of boosted cars, i was waiting for the @!#$ to hit the fan, but it was just a solid pull.....Sounds good though
sounds like a zero dive bombing in the old days not sure if thats good or not