so clean, only thing id ever change if i bought it would be the rims and headlights. love the hood hinges too.
rims are to small. i wanted 19" foose luso's or however you spell it but way to much money. didnt have it.
what are those hinges off of??? looks great. i love that car. to bad your selling it
looks good man....i like
*************Yea i spell liek wrong get over it*****************
** If i write in caps its cause im @ work and i can only write in caps cause the keyboard is a retarded CAPS only keyboard.**
thanks guys keep em comin good or bad let me know what i should do while i still have it.
Love it nice ride....
I will have a similar hood that is kool nice pics of that... good job...
i think you hood fell off! he he.
that is the lowest i have seen a hood go with those hinges. yikes!
looks real good though bud. too bad you're selling it.

but im sure you're getting something a bit faster than the almighty 2200.
haha thanks guys yea im acctually probally getting something slower than a 2200.
a bicycle?
lol not hatin, i had a 2.2 and just know that i could run faster
yea, im probally gettin a 67 or later bug so im down grading in power but all i really car about is looks
How much you selling for and how far from the cali line are you?
those hinges custom or they off something? i want em lol
great looking car
Are the hood hinges a custom one off?
The only thing I'd change is I'd keep the chick in the pictures!!!
Rusty (The Rusted One) wrote:How much you selling for and how far from the cali line are you?
im askin like 9,500 right now. if intrested just email me at of and im in pheonix so i would drive that far most likely and ive never been there before so i wouldnt mind.
Carbon Cavi wrote:
those hinges custom or they off something? i want em lol
they are buick hindges that i had to cut up to fit on there
The California border is about 2.5-3 hours from Phoenix.
Damn those pictures make me miss that city. LA sucks.
car is looking sweet man sry to it for sale
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Damn lookin sweet. I gotta get my engine bay that clean, whats your secret?
thats acctually dirty for me but i just polish all the metal hoses every once and awhile and just spray it down
car is looking awesome. cant wait until i get my bags on.
SIG coming to an org near you!!!
the car looks great! to bad your selling it. how do you like the heat?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, September 18, 2006 8:36 AM
Love the HBOJB pics too
I think you should keep the Cavi...swap an Eco in there and add the SC...perfect!!
Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?