Nice car! I love the Ion redline too..
Red 2005 Saturn Ion-3 Coupe
your car is awsome. you have alot of wave in that front bumper though
fix ur healights/corners and pleeeze ge tsome new tips. other than that she's fine, very fine!
tha_prowler wrote:fix ur healights/corners and pleeeze ge tsome new tips. other than that she's fine, very fine! 
The corners are still a work in process. Left is fixed, right is still well getting work. I actually fixed the bumper but its taking some time for the wave to disappear. I am hope a few more days in the sun will fix the wave.
Thanks though guys.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
love everything cept the exhaust mufflers hangin on the back........your car is so clean and those just wreck your whole look. there are tons of clean looking mufflers out there. why did u have to pick those ugly things?
other then that..........LOOKS KICK ASS!!!!
You know I love it Zach..
The only thing and I mean ONLY thing I would change about your get rid of your antenna

Keep it up man.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
yellow22 wrote:your car is awsome. you have alot of wave in that front bumper though
all IF are like that so im told
Jason wrote:Left one is fixed??
Left corner light. I can't adjust the headlights until the wave goes down. Thats what is knocking them out of alignment. If my mind don't change next year I am going with 2k and up headlights.
I had originally planned on going with a different rear before that. Now since I am building the engine in the spring I am going with an exhaust setup that won't even have visible tips from the mufflers whatsoever, so I figured it be money in the wrong direction when they will be changed eventually anyways.
Maybe in a couple years.
Thanks though guys.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
Looking really good!
My only suggestions would be to shave the antenna and door locks and paint the base of the mirrors black

"Louis, you better watch who you call a child. Because if I'm a child,
that makes you a pedafile, and I'm not gonna stand here and argue
with a pervert" -- Peter Griffin
i for one love the exaust !!! it wouldnt look right with out that style
really nice car, dont change a thing, but...did you get any engine pics?
WTB: SRT-4 rims

very nicec.... very clean... slick job... love it.
i searously do love your car.
pure puuurrrrrrrfection.

Portage, MI
J-TECH tuner ,
I got some of the engine bay but it'll be a couple days before I can post them.
Thanks for all the positive comments though. Some things you guy have touched on is ideas I've been pondering on doing in the near future.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
Looks great! So clean and I love the white and black theme going on. You need to tweak some areas on the front end.
Otherwise, it looks mean! Keep up the good work!
your car is one of my fav but i think you should do a diffferent exhaust
shave that beyotch! and if it were mine id get a stock spoiler for it, but thats because i dont like the naked trunks on Js. looks badass though. i love white cavs.
hey Zach~ looks as good as always. the only issue i had was with those waves in the front bumper and you fixed those so amen to that.
i actually like the exhaust~ it has a pretty much diff. look in person.
the ONLY things i would change are: shave the keyhole in the trunk, shave the antenna, and paint the base of the mirrors black-- other than that~ don't change a thing.