Looks Good.
I am planning on building a white 4dr j soon. Just gotta find a cheap one to start out with.
u went through like 2 kits.. to just end up back to that lmao
Manta Z(The Primered One) wrote:u went through like 2 kits.. to just end up back to that lmao
Hah, I know I change my mind on things every day I need to make my mind up, lol.
nice clean lookin car man! you just need a rear lip of some sort to hide that god for saken fart cannister!
super clean, well put together. keep it up.
nice car. ill tell you which rear to get once you give me my $40. paint mirrors and handles maybe.
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
Get intouch with ScudZ24, he is looking for a type J rear.
looks good, you need a rear lip though
Bodykit whore. Finish the car for once will ya

Joe Schulte wrote:Bodykit whore. Finish the car for once will ya
Hah! Good to hear from you again Joe. I ran into greg the other day. Give me a call sometime and we can get together on one of those sundays.
Looks great! Im kind of surprised how the avenger front flows with IF skirts. Looks clean!
Now get a rear bumper and paint handles and outer mirrors white ur at it.