UPDATE, heres some new pics with the sides installed
couple things, for the nit pickers, yes i know only one side of the license plate bolts has a washer lol, the first i installed the washer is on the back, im changing that 2nite, (some peeps would actually point that out)
2nd, yes i know my headlights need a bit of tweaking for fitment, theyre a pain in my beans to say the least
ANYWAYS 5 new pics!
click on em for real size pics

^ my new backround
im pleased with the quality and fitment
^^^ theyre filthy eh!! bloody slotted crossdrilled kick out the dust like crazy
looks good, but u need to let them get some good sun to get rid of the waves. my ww sides were the same way.
^^that cav right there, GAWT DAMM!
anyways, scudz your car is really nice and like i said before, I like how low the car is.
Yeah I was gana say fix the skirts.. Heres some to show you another angel.
forget black paint it that blue
that blue is hot
I see that the lug nut thief has paid you a visit. I hate when that happens! Car looks good.....I agree you should paint that sucka blue!
alright so i should loosen the end closest to the front, and pull it out a bit, right now theyre sitting straight in line to the ground, i guess theyre supposd to stick out more? thanks
just take a screw out and rotate the skirt, make a new hole and tighten
how did you get the part after the door to stick, just the 3m double sided tape?
yeah jus some 2 sided, worked great