you suck i want those but your missing a piece alminum Grand am control arms shaved a half inch than it would be exactly what i'm doin. good luck and have fun.
i'm sure the stock arms will be fine for what i'm doing with the car.
hey i just did all of that
I know what everything is except for the first pic, please someone fill me in. I'm having a blonde moment here!!!!!
tight, but clean your keyboard.......

Portage, MI
^^lol, thats what I was about to say..
I need my control arm bushings installed dammit!
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
lay off my keyboard... it's ancient. it doesn't get any cleaner than this
OK new weekend project...
Go to best buy and get a new keyboard

That thing is gross

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
give him a break guys... it could be worse. It could be a black keyboard with a bunch of white stuff on it.
anyways, getting back on topic. bushings are in. took a bit of work and a ball joint press to get them in. the ball joints were perfectly fine so i'm holding onto them for later use.
sway bar should be going in tomorrow evening...
Ah yes.... control arm bushings. That was a fun experience wasn't it?... You'll love how much stiffer the front will be now.