Looks awsome james... What show was this???

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Art In Motion, it was in Howell. I only heard about it a few days before.
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those are your 20s? man they look like 19s :S, im confused
James (ROLN19S) (JuicyJ) wrote:Apparently you are^^ I have 19's.
hhaha right on, i always thought u got 20s for some odd reason, i was kinda thinking to myself *wow 20s look alot better then i thought*. But yeah 20s are still gay, thanks for the clear up, car is looking good man.
god, everything on your car is so shiney...
looks great!
congrats on first~
WTF.. I wanted some trunk setup pics
Did you everything back yet ?
Car is looking great, even better in person
Always has been, always will be one of my favorite J's. Hot as always James.
lookin hot as always james!
~ *_(Samantha)_ *~ wrote:god, everything on your car is so shiney...
looks great!
congrats on first~
The mirrors help alot with that, they put ALOT of light up on the wheels and they POP! I love it when it is sunny, the Indigo Blue really looks good that way. When I get the car repainted I think I'm gonna do the same color, just maybe with something in the clear.
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Jeff (Karnage), I got it in there, just have to make a box for both 12's then I'll post pics.
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So shiney
Car looks great as always!! Love all of it!!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
I was right, that was last sunday. Well today was the first time I drove it since then. It has been rainey and cold so I've been driving my Grand Prix. So today I wanted to atleast clean off the leafs that were collecting on it, but I had to get the SNOW OFF OF IT FIRST!!! I HATE COLD AND WINTER!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
OK, I'm done.
See what I mean!
The Damn leafs aren't even all off the trees and we are getting snow. It had ALOT more on it yesterday but I didn't take any pics.
I already can't wait for next spring. I'm gonna miss my car.
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I used to see your car parked out in front of Dukes. I never got a close look though.