Lookin for some pics of a false floor that doesnt have amps or subs or anything on it. I am goin to remove my seat and make a flase floor and just carpet it, keep it simple i guess then do something alittle fancier for the trunk. can anyone show me some pics of that. thanks.
lots of pics about this, searchy please.
I did search. typed in rear seat delete got three pages. and all three of them brought up crazy speaker/amps mounted on them or other stuff. Just wanted to see a simple carpet one. i will search again though.
you wont see that very much because it has little to no practicality
most people do rear seat delets SO they can have room to do huge audio or visual displays
i guess i should ask why you want to do it, just so you cant be the car pooler?
if you really want to find something like that then look on cardomain at some of the cavys and look for it that way
i know 3 cavys and 1 sunfire thats have just a flat floor back seats but sorry no pics i will let them know people are looking
2000 cavalierZ24, 1998 cavalierZ24, 2001 sunfireGT, 1995 cavalier2.2L
Ill get some pics of mine. Just a flat deck in my former back seat area.
Interested in this also. Don't need the back seat (That's what my minivan's for...LOL). Not everyone wants subs out the ying yang to loosen the fillings in your teeth with

. Love to carpet something or see one in aluminum (Saw it in a Stang once....looks awesome).
wow glad to see i wasnt the only one looking, I just think the cars are small to begin with and there is no need to have a back seat since i never let anyone back there anyways, hell my rear seat has been folded down for the last two years. Figure some nice black carpet would look better and go with the racing seats. I will keep looking around and if i find any i will let everyone else know that was lookin for it.
well i will post pics of mine when it gets out of the trany shop

for sale pm me or e-mail me for details
hmmmm I have this I'll take a pic for you when i get home at lunch
I have a couple pics on my cardomain. This setup is in the Cavy at the top of the page. It is done in black vinyl. The floor , wall , and the shelf are for sale, $100.
I will be redoing it with polished aluminum for weight savings and looks. The Tenzo seats have been taken out and will be replaced with aluminum drag racing seat, also polished. The plan is to get cf or fiberglass door, which will have polished aluminum for door panels.
uflip06 that was what i was lookin for. looks clean and real simple. one quick question for you. what did you use to make it, i imagine wood, but what thickness. and thanks for the pic.
yeah i seen that thread before. Thats pretty much what i am goin to do. make a template out of cardboard then transfer it too wood. the pic you found showed me what i kinda wanted to see. just now have to decide how strong i want it to be so i can decide what thickness wood i will use. thnaks for the the help with this though.