Last pics with steelies
Washed, clay barred, and waxed !!!
constructive critism welcome
thanks for looking
"HONDA" tech wana-be
thats a lil bit to dark but good shots none the less
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Does anyone have any coils and struts for sale?
"HONDA" tech wana-be
get some gas bud. I burned up my fuel pump in my 03 after just 45k miles cuz i would run it on E all the time.
****edit -
I just do have um.....yeah.
/slowly, awkwardly leaves room.
ahahah^^ i was alittle confused, i had to double check
"HONDA" tech wana-be
1)Get a tripod
2)Keep the shutter open longer, the pictures are way too dark.
^ i used a tripod except for the second pic
"HONDA" tech wana-be