normally dont liek flame like stuff...but that is pretty nice....and the 03+ def nice
I may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
04 FTW
not really a fan of the older one, the actually quailty looks preaty good but I don't like the design.
i like them both bud.
but i like the 04 better.
keep up the fantastic work!
thank you the 02 is a little bit different now, ls sport front and sides, i redid the rims and a few other things, i havent really done that much to the 04 but i cant wait to get it going, thanks for the comments
they both look good and get some new pics of the 02 i want to see it with the lips
J-BOM represent!
Lookin good Ryan.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
looking good keep it up!
Who needs a sig?
i think your 02 was sick liked the paint
was the 02 in a front end crash?
i like the paint design of the o2 very nice.
so nice
Member of J-body of Michigan.
no the 02 was not in a crash, i just had the lights adjusted upwards because i was tired of not being able to see anything with the pooppy stock lights......
thank you for your kind words
thats interesting.........ive never seen my rims on another cavy before........let alone paint like that...............our rims are painted quite similar but there are a few differences between the two..........either way they are hot!