Oh man, I like the rims.. Great deal you got.. But do yourself a favor after your drop.. Go get some beefier tires.. 215's or 225's. Those 205's are wayy too thin..
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
Jesus I could stick my head in your wheel gap....
I like the rims too.. Tires are @!#$.. Just bc its a good deal doesnt mean its good .. Your speedo and miles are off now
RKSport--Baer--Magnaflow--Alpine--Hankook--GroundControl--Wings West
way way to small. a 215/45/17 is what you want. good deal but for that cheap what kind of tires did you get?
Nice way to cheap out.
How are you going to lower the car? Cut the springs?
same thing happened to me, i bought rims and tires for $500 almost brand new. i took the tires off, sold them, and got new ones. you should follow suit.
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
Thos look like amys old rims

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
I'm diggin the new rims I like them alot but wow i forgot what an undropped cav looks like. Don't feel bad I had my 18's on for a while with out a drop I just made the wrangler guys jealous that i had more ground clearance............ keep us updated.
is that a 4X4 offroad cavalier?
Built&Boosted moar
04 Cavalier Turbo r.i.p my baby
2nd place 2009 GM tuner bash qwick 8--holla
forget them rima and tires look sweet
forget them rims and tires look sweet
hey jarett we are telling him this for his and everyone else on the roads safety
rims look great just need the right size tire
Please sand and paint your rear drums. Rims look hawt!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
Are those Kumho ecsta tires!?!??! I got the same ones on my contour. I like them very much.

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me