loving the interior man
sweet pics
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Soooooooo....not dirty.
I'm jealous. Come over and clean mine.
Me likey.
LOOOOVE the gauge setup, nice work, looks very clean
How hard was the dash? Would it fit 03+ fires annnd, wanna make some more?
i like the gauge setup to, but what the ponit of the boost gauge
-zook- wrote:How hard was the dash? Would it fit 03+ fires annnd, wanna make some more?
Won't fit a fire, I knew that question would come up too, Im starting on another one this winter and making a mold because theres way to much time involved nobody would want to pay for it unless they did it themselves. Ive got start to finish pics on my website for anyone interested in making their own, you dont need to be a super craftsman to do it, (hey I did it) lol but Im pretty damn meticulous and will drive myself nuts trying to get it perfect.
Looks great man love the dash. Everything is awesome cant wait to see whats in store

thats where i have mine too
nice work
looks good but you still aint fo-shizzle on the 4tech
no exterior pics? I wanted to see new picsof the lambos.....
Love the gauges..what brand are they?? Very perrrty..haha
Looks sweeet.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
I love how clean your subframe is. Gotta love the details
looks good but i would personally rather have the boost gauge where your air/fuel gauge is. I know i dont look at my radio bezel all that often when im driving and i frequently check my boost gauge.
...... im soo jealous of ur car..... it gives me great ideas for what to do this cold winter too
very nice!! nice details work too!
I wish mine is clean undereath just like yours!
King C wrote:...... im soo jealous of ur car..... it gives me great ideas for what to do this cold winter too 
i hope painting your car black was one of the ideas his car gave you

anywho....looks great man... was never a fan of the rubber gasket things on the guages when u had ur first post about making that bezel... BUT i guess everything flows nicely now, they fit amazingly... cant gripe... the car is tits.....plain and simple!
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

I just bought a 20 inch widescreen ultrasharp flat pannel..I'm going to have to subscribe to the high quality porn places now......damn