I like the angle on this one.
im diggin the rx-8 headlights on the fire.
oh you suck on the layin lower a arm. well done
Sweet, im so glad to hear your back at it again! Keep up the work and get a move on
big poppa wrote:Sweet, im so glad to hear your back at it again! Keep up the work and get a move on 
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Thanks guys!
Yea Ill be trimming the braces or remaking them in tube to get the last 1/2" that I want, Im going to have to re-work the front clip to compensate for the drop(its too low :d lol)
As for the RX-8 headlights, I stilll love em and there deffinatly peramanent.
Yea yea Big Poppa I dont know HOW you do what you do. I HATE sanding i got agrivated and tired sanding just the box in my miata, i dont know HOW i ever made the flares on the fire and molded them in. However I may be going wide myself to help out with the slight accident i had a few months ago.
thanks for the support in my never ending journey guys!
quit your job go home right now and finish it!
i really like the subbox in the miata
looking good man. I need to turbo my 2200 too.
its about time you got back at it! looking really good. you pulling out the motor and turbo set up once its all done for paint?
yellow22 wrote:oh you suck on the layin lower a arm. well done
After that HUGE pain in the arse I dont wana pull it again, But I may end up dropping the cradle and engine and all to paint the engine bay.
Not to mention I dont want to do the new tubular subframe upside down under the car.
So I dont want to but I probably will.
woot! im so happy chazz! yay! finish it!!!!! i wanna see it on the road again!
I LOVE Miatas. More than life....wow.
been wondering whats been going on with u. I've been gettin bored and watching the SMC1-3 lately lol
miata looks nice.. i like the reflective strips on each spoke of the rims
Yea i still around, I have had alot of stuff going on new girl in my life(got me a hot asian yay! and decided to invest in another decent car(the maia) and then ive been working ALOT latly so I died off from the fire for a while.
As for the Videos I did make SMC 4 before our old site went down, I also Made a Hot Import Nights Video and I think I had something else? But Our new site is being designed now and should be up by 07 with all the new vids
So goign by the guys advice in the boost fourm the sunfire wont be driving this weekend, Ill have to order an FMU(planned to anyway) injectors, do some timing mods and who knows what else
But if I get it cranked then ill get a clip of that for you guys!
live in the woods eh... nice cars
Yup got t love them woods, I can leave the fire in the yeard all night doors up no trunklid aith my laptop sittin in the seat and I came back in the morning, and its all till there!
est security system ever!
ah good to see your back on it. Loved seeing this car evolve and feared it took Z2Flip4s fate when i didnt see you on her for a while. But good to see your back, now lets see you get on this and crank it out. Welcome back
Yea dont worry, ill never get up
Like my boss says "throw money at it and it will eventually fix itself"
It might take me FOREVER but ill never give up!
bro them headlights are killing me we have to get in touch ASAP!
5 seconds to find another street...
Well apparetly the battle will never end, Not on the fire this time however its the miata, was cruising home yesterday only going about 40mph and clickidy clack LOCKUP. So far from the sound Im taking it I had a Valve head breakoff, probably beat the head up pretty good, along with the piston and scarred up the sidewalls, Not to mention probably bent a cam.
It never ends guys, the worst part is I just spent ALL my spare money On Xmas stuff friday, so Im flat broke for the next few weeks. Going to see if my boss can help me out with some extra work or something cause my buddy at mazda said ill probably be better off buying a whole new crate motor than trying to fix this one.
*sigh* so again dont expect to see much out of the fire till after the holidays
a quick pic of how it sits now:
Theres another 2" of clearance over that bondo can by the way
SpyderWizard wrote:Well apparetly the battle will never end, Not on the fire this time however its the miata, was cruising home yesterday only going about 40mph and clickidy clack LOCKUP. So far from the sound Im taking it I had a Valve head breakoff, probably beat the head up pretty good, along with the piston and scarred up the sidewalls, Not to mention probably bent a cam.
It never ends guys, the worst part is I just spent ALL my spare money On Xmas stuff friday, so Im flat broke for the next few weeks. Going to see if my boss can help me out with some extra work or something cause my buddy at mazda said ill probably be better off buying a whole new crate motor than trying to fix this one.
Miata engines should be easy to come by with all the spec miata guys..
OR you could use this as a good excuse to do the Monster Miata Conversion........
Looking good, those RX-8 lights look great!

If I did a Swap It would be RX7 TT
but no money for anything right now. Still havent gotten the car home to tear it don and see exactly whats wrong
I think something is trying to tell you.....FINISH THE FIRE!
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)