What's with the black speckles?
Whats with the Gigantic Pictures!!!
Otherwise, looks pretty decent.

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
C.T.S ----- > i have to sand all over again! it is from dusty while i m painted with clear coat bec i lived in the damn farm lol
Is that the dash the guy from here sells on ebay?

USACi =>146.9db
14.88 @ 90.73MPH =>GM Charger, Motor Mounts, Catback exhaust
looks decent, more sanding needed.
2NVUS4U -----> nope it ain t from e bay, I made them with my hands
Scotty B (AudioSlave) ------ > Yep your right need more sanding to get some damn dusty off !
Izn Trbl-[ahys�in] [truhb�uhl] -------> thanks buddy, I know it s kinda deep n have a lot of gap, because i noticed on most cavalier they always making it simple n easy ! Not as deep as mine !
but i stilling got more work on it ! i maybe going to making other one !
tons, and tons more sanding needed. pay attention to the edges. The look is in the attention to detail.
AREA 51 ----- > yep i know but not a tons of sanding, and i just have a time to do that or making other one !
CodeRedZ24 (aka Geeds) umm what tlc stand for ?
looks sweet man
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
looks good man
Just spend a little more time around the radio and hvac on the inside areas and it will look 100x cleaner.
big poppa ----- > Thanks buddy again, and i know i need to spend more time on that area but it s winter time and it s suck and all i have to wait till spring time then i will start do it all over again ! I heard your car is going be crazy n amzing ! keeping up good work !
looks good lets see some pics of your car too. ive never seen you post before or i dont remember
the parts that look bad and need more sanding are only visiable in the HUGE pics, most won't even see the edges near the radio.
Looks pretty good around the guages. Smoother finish for the piant will make it look better.
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James (ROLN19S) (JuicyJ) -----> Yep i know u need to sanding a bit around edge on the radio and hvac but it hardly to noticed it in person but on the picture it is huge and very closer but i will do it all over again in spring 2007. thanks buddy again !
James (ROLN19S) (JuicyJ) -----> Yep i know, I need to sanding a bit around edge on the radio and hvac
That is what I was saying, basically I wouldn't worry about the parts you won't see, as far as making them perfect.
My Myspace Page
overall it looks good but it looks like bad around the radio and around the dimmer, also get up into the corners around the speedo.
but its gonna look good when your done