ok all you have to do is send them pics showing the damage i mean if it was your fault the front bumper wouldhave been damaged.
ask walmart to give you the tape to see if they see the accident there is your proof that she was at fault. you should have taken the pics there in the parking lot of when the accident occured what did the officers say when you filed the report?
That sucks. Most likely case if you do not have a police report and there are no witnesses then the insurance companies will do 50-50 on payments. Or 80-20. You know, they try to determine who was more at fault. That is the problem with parking lots. Lots of he said she said stuff.
Sent any pics in yet? If not, bust your car up a little more, then send in the pics. Claim you also have back injury because that's impossible to prove or disprove. You can sue her to the point she owes you her unborn child

Otherwise, best of luck and I will NEVER park anywhere near a Wal-Mart. It's the black hole of all vehicular parking environments. I stood outside one for 20 minutes once. Three accidents worth serious body damage. A door was taken off. Another rear-ended a parked car. Another took a guys mirror off and took out the door and fender and headlight.
Why should such atroscities even exsist in this world? Because, Wal-Mart is evil. Plain and simple.
a friend of mine had some dumb chick back straight into him in a walmart parking lot. but he was on foot.
DO NOT TALK TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY! If they try to get answers out of you, just tell them that you can't talk about it. This is a VERY popular way insurance companies try to get evidence (they tape the conversations) to get them out of paying the damamges. Notify your insurance company and let your insurance company to take care of them. You will have to pay your deductable, however, you will get the money back from your insurance company. Also, tell your insurance company that the ladies insurance is calling you (harassment if you might add

Call a tough smart lawyer and get what is due to u!
I was smashed by some dumb chick and f'd up my wrist. Man I got paid! And come to find out my wrist was messed up from beating off too much. So it all worked out in the end!