nice music, horrible shots.. I could barly make it out it was blurry and alot of time was spent with the "black" in between shots... but this is my opinion. sorry.
**changes are here**
Nothing from this "So called Teaser" makes me want to see the full thing. Heck or the ORGINAL.
FU Tuning
Sorry to say that was soborinf i know you say to please watch the full preview but I almost fell asleep
To tell u the truth I closed it after the first 5 seconds....tray sliding...ghey!
Retarted, sorry but what was the point of this video J-body wise? Besides the donuts at the very begining?
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
first part of that song made me want to go emo, cut my wrists and hang myself...... baaad video... sry

Well to better suit myself ... i took ten bucks and flushed it down the toilet .
It benefited me more then buying this video.
Thanks guys ...
Basically it looks to me like a bunch of retards driving like retards.
Racing on the streets, tray sliding in parking lots, that retard at 3 minutes or so that passed that guy on the shoulder and was looking at the camera instead of the road..
No, no no no no no. I hope these people get caught and get what they deserve. Morons, people like that get people killed.
1983 Camaro Z28
we dont need 20 straight seconds of straight blackness after the tray slidign segment. then out of the darkness come the words "2 years ago" and slowly slides off the screen for like 5-7 seconds.
honestly man you need clearer video, better music and speed up the tempo. BIG time.
Creative Draft Art Media Forums
The music sucked. Nirvana themselves sucked less than that gay cover...
But yeah, i dont see myself paying for a DVD of destruction of public property, gay street races and people getting kicked in the nuts...if I want that, I'll turn on MTV or FOX...
turned it off as soon as I saw you tray sliding..
Nothing from this "So called Teaser" makes me want to see the full thing. Heck or the ORIGINAL.
STREET ANTIX, it's coming...
Oh im sorry, next time i will be sure to film you guys, it will have hours of you guys sitting in parking lots with your cousins and screaming "omg its a vette", when a C4 drives by, and then thinking, "one day i will own a fast car, and one that is not made of plastics from melted army men".....
That's the best video I've seen EVER [end sarcasm]
Bad editing, bad video quality.. to make a DVD with shots like that is a waste of money/time. And I hope a 18 wheelers get in your way one day while you race on a street...
Melted army men... rofl, you cry about people giving their opinions... hell I'm a beginner at editing and I do better than that... Sitting in parking and watching other cars is called meetings. And a place to race is called a track!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, December 06, 2006 12:46 PM
Nick Kules wrote:Oh im sorry, next time i will be sure to film you guys, it will have hours of you guys sitting in parking lots with your cousins and screaming "omg its a vette", when a C4 drives by, and then thinking, "one day i will own a fast car, and one that is not made of plastics from melted army men".....
well..... you did ask our opinion. we speak the truth
**changes are here**
Nick Kules wrote:Oh im sorry, next time i will be sure to film you guys, it will have hours of you guys sitting in parking lots with your cousins and screaming "omg its a vette", when a C4 drives by, and then thinking, "one day i will own a fast car, and one that is not made of plastics from melted army men".....
this is a joke..what's the point of it? is there even one? you can't even tell what is what..along w/ some of the shots I'm like WTF? all is consists of people being complete dumbasses
well im guessing none of you are from the west coast.... where in my state, the fastest jbody runs 13's and is owned by a 19 year old.... and the fastest autocross car, is a c4 vette... i guess its a difference of opinions. yeah ill admit some of those shots are lame, but this is a non-profit short film, that is meant to show people the effects of street racing and the effects of over ricing....
ok who here actually builds track cars and not body kitted behemoths?
ok since this is an experiment in cinematography, tell me what you all would like to see? im open to suggestions.
on a side note, this movie really serves no purpose other than experience in filming and film making. It is just a mere compilation of short clips. filming was stopped almost 2 years ago due to the movies lack of progress and depth, but since no one got to see the movie, i figured id see if anyone would be interested....
I think they told you already. That video sucks. The music blows, try asking 20 random people what they think of it. The video is pointlessly in slow motion. Black pauses. I can do better with Windows Movie Editor.
Most of us race on tracks or auto-x events. Seriously, street racing is dumb and dangerous. If you're looking for ricers you might want to try another site. Don't believe me, just look at the reaction you're getting here!
camera placement, lens selection, movement, composition, lighting, and exposure.....the six main components in cinematography. You used ONE of these in your film, and that was movement.....ungracefull movement, but non the less...movement. You did not utulize any of the other components in your START OVER!
SEC-Z wrote:.....ungracefull movement, but non the less...movement.
thats my biggest complaint. it needs to flow a lot better, and less blacked out time. music needs to flow better, maybe if it's a "street racing" video,there should be more street racing? just a thought. im not trying to rack on you, just giving you some critisim. make it flow, and maybe you need a better camera, who knows, but the shots were def bad.
Nick Kules wrote:meant to show people the effects of street racing and the effects of over ricing....
is that really necessary? none of those cars in that video impressed me at all. maybe get some decent shots of said autocrossing events and whatnot, it might not be "street racing" but it'll probably be more entertaining.