honestly just incase that one doesnt stay working heres one that will

The one, the only, ME.
awesome...looks good..I have heard good things about that kit.
<aDdiCtEd 2 BoOsT>...EcOtEc...
throw that @!#$ on and take pictures
looks good, now put that crap on and lets see the car again
tomorrow the car goes into surgery

the TB and injectors obviously will be a bit until i know for sure i can get it tuned but ill probably throw the TB on right away after i can get it bored

The one, the only, ME.

if needed I can put those on my car to um make sure they fit properly
well due to the retards at the exhaust shop my friend took his car to to do his haeder back install i couldnt get to mine today but tomorrow its on

and acidburn i think ill chance it that theyll fit just fine : P lol thanks though

The one, the only, ME.
Where'd you get that @!#$?

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
are those the same koni struts that are recommended for the more drastic drop? i was thinking of getting that and then getting sportlines later if so.
i got them from some team vision racing guy he seemed pretty good to business with FINALLY hahahaaha
honestly Hypsy there has a great deal on the sport kit over just the struts

The one, the only, ME.
this is not a job for any at home mechanic damn it for dull drill bits cost me $65

and alot of wasted time maybe tomorrow ill get the front struts done and the bushings

The one, the only, ME.
lol i want pictures already sh*t roy make people wait forever
if you dont think you are mechanically inclined enough to do this people...go with tokico d-specs. you can still get the koni springs if you want though.
anyway pictures for sure man. i wish u luck!
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
i have d-specs and love them
ok got it done

finally the fronts went really well and yes ill get some pictures of them installed hahaha should be up no later then tomorrow haha the car sits abotu an inch higher overall then it did on the old dropzone springs but it still looks great and damn its nice to have it riding nice again no more tank suspension.
bushings will be another day hahaha this was tedious enough for me nto hard but a lot of attention needed. and alot of cutting and drilling hahaha and an extra hand is a huge HELP thanks thanks to 04ps.
and the TB cant be bored until after the first of the year along with getting tuned and obviously the injectors will have to wait until i can tune it all

The one, the only, ME.
ok since everyone was so patient i took some pics right away and here they are. they are just with them installed already i wasnt even focused on process pictures this time, it was a rough, uncooperative install haha i just wanted it done
forget how it looks right now i know its rough

the body kit will soon be going and stock stuff will replace it
heres the new ride height
whats that say? hahaha
heres the front
the rear
sure is a nice yellow color
another of the fronts
and a front and rear of 04ps (mike) and mines cars. i want his tail lights

The one, the only, ME.
no it didnt, never had time to do anything to it

and its just to much maintanance to keep the kit in good shape. i know if i stuck with a kit on it and got it painted it would get beat up again and then it would need repainting also. trust me i love the appearance of the car with the bomex kit on it but just dont think itll work out

The one, the only, ME.
oh have faith good roy it will work out if you can find a way to get that bumper up to me ill have it done for you in a week and i can get it back down to you
i dont have the rear bumper anymore

but the front one needs some work and im not sure how id even get it up there haha

The one, the only, ME.
Where did you get the Injectors from and how much were they?
www.sprayitracing.com through ebay for just under $200 and the clips were from ebay also for like $10 for the set of 4

The one, the only, ME.