hey ive been to that rest stop!
and what the hell, stolen again? something sounds fishay
Dude...what the hell happened this time? You gotta fill me in. Hope everything turns out for the better and you get the car back. Hate to see all the hard work you just put back into it be for nothing. Hit me up bro
i dont understand... why is it so hard for you to get a storage unit, or an alarm, or sh!t man... a GUN to watch over it with!!!! personally... i think a 357 magnum or a sawed off 12 guage would do nicely.
its like ur rolling over and dieing man, get off ur arse and protect that car!
well the first time i had a gun to my face in about 2 secs and this time whoever wanted knew what they were doing because they pumped up all the bags which i didnt even hear but when they took off out of the parking lot i heard. so there goes that cav even if they find it im not keeping it. im out of the j-body scene but i will still hang around on here. what a @!#$ty way to go out because i was no where done
Wow man, I had my car stolen once. I know how you feel man. I hope the best for you.
Damn man that sucks i hope you have better luck with whatever you buy next.
sorry man
gun in face=not good man, that sucks.
id like to know the particulars, was it in a garage? alarm?
it sucks to hear that you want to get out of the j-body scene, what are you wanting to get into then?
Nice pics, love the background. Excellent spot for pics.
1996 Chevrolet Cavalier SOLD | 2002 BMW 330i SOLD | 2004 BMW 645i
sucks to hear that man. and to hear you're leaving the J scene, but i guess nows a better time than any to get out.
keep us posted and good luck with your future project.
yea who knows i might get another cav but all my good @!#$ especially air ride is most likely gone if they do find the car. like i said whoever stole it took it for that reason most likely because they knew how to work the switchs.
so im positive if they find the car my air ride, rims, wing will be gone and after that there isnt much left to the car. seeing as they stole the stereo last time.
and z yaaa i didnt have an alarm yet and i live in a apt complex. im in pheonix right now for school and where im from in chicago this @!#$ never happens so i guess i wasnt prepared for this
damn man, that sucks, your cars was one of my fav bagged cavs on here deff keep us posted man
i just moved back to michigan from phoenix. the car is probably in mexico by now. i loved phoenix, but the crime was just off the charts. my sunfire was stolen once, but they only got about a mile before they ran out of gas. the only time my procrastination has paid off.... hope your situation turns out well. thats too nice a car to have taken away...twice.
so did they wire it? or did the last guy that stole it get a key made?
it doesnt seem awfully odd that a car would get stolen twice in that short of a time.
but hey, its a good excuse to move on to something better.
ah man thats just suxs the second time.....good luck with ur next car man
dang man, ur car was so perfect, and those pictures are priceless. I just dont get how people steal cars so easily? Good luck finding it man.
Dammit man. This sucks. Hope you get it back in one peice. If you do get it back I gots you great idea for cheap theft protection. What you need to do is go to the junk yard and get a 9-pin connector and put it inline with switch box. That way you can just unplug your switchbox and take it inside with you.
man that sucks... i feel for ya.
if you do however by some miracle get the car back with the rims on it-ill buy them!
sorry to hear buddy. gawd, i can only imagine how you must feel.
good luck in the future man, and keep your head up.
navycav3 wrote:hey ive been to that rest stop!
and what the hell, stolen again? something sounds fishay
i dont think that is a rest stop , lol
we have a few parks , that look like that
it sucks man , and i just barely got to see your cav twice , at 5 and diner and accross the street from home at the mail box
if your interested in a sedan , both mine are forsale
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, December 26, 2006 11:36 AM
Hey guys, Andrew (Yellow22) wanted me to let you guys know that he ran out of posts for December so he wont be able to post anything in here about the situation until the beginning of January, but I might be posting for him until then if he wants me to. Thanks
damn thats some bullsh!t! was one of the few yellow cars i liked. hope everything works out for ya.

Member of J-body of Michigan.