too bad the fly by got erased

wow is about all the rest i can say. im glad i got my hood though lol. plenty more pics , we will have to get together for another car show again ha ha.
just noticed his body kit doesnt even line up bwahaha.
the gold one looks bagged............lolz
Silver&Black FastTrack wrote:the gold one looks bagged............lolz 
thats the same thing i was thinking lol
nice job????
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
yeah i didnt go cheap on the suspension. bags, tubbed, i want to do a motor swap but man its like .35 for just the motor. so i dont know if that will get done. i want to paint it sunset orange metallic so i might get that done this year. then probably put it into storage.
i got mine all done and im workin on one with vertical doors! it took two other modifers to make but its gonna be sweet!
good thread though LOL
wth?! where do i get one of these cars... those are neat as hell!!
BoltZ22 wrote:whats that red one dropped on?
Cheesecake's old heated coils.
Gonna get me some of those!
I just bought 2 off of ebay. Very nice Phewes shots. BTW, anyone know where I can get a mini NOS bottle and some AEM stickers?

I had something really funny to put here but it was too long.
i have the mini NOS bottle, and maybe the aem stickers, not sure id have to check. good luck finding the NOS kit its gotta be like .04 so id say shop around, lol if you want you can have mine but your gonna pay more on shipping than its worth.
what r those toys called and where can i get one lol
slp ss build number 2288 of 4312
03 blackout ecotec wrote:what r those toys called and where can i get one lol
Cavie Freak wrote:z yaaaa wrote:wth?! where do i get one of these cars... those are neat as hell!!
Very rare now I had 4 of them gave 2 away and keeping the other 2. Might check ebay or do some searches for cavalier modifiers. Never know if ya will get lucky.
Does anyone @!#$ read posts anymore.
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.