Ill be buying rims soon and ive narrowed it down to 3 different rims. there all bronze
1: cant remember name at the time
2: Rota boost
3: Rota attacks ( sorry skilz )
vote please
thanks for looking
"HONDA" tech wana-be
89 QUAD turbo build in progress
close between 1 and 3. But I say 1 is best.
I'm thinking people will pick the top one because it has a lip and lips are the coolest in JBO but I say go with the third one. All bronze look great on white cars.
I like 1 they look like the Drifz 517's
wow none for the boosts lol has anyone ever put boosts on a J?
redecoav- i think your right
"HONDA" tech wana-be
89 QUAD turbo build in progress
Cadwz24(Projected1) wrote:you cant do 3
yeah ive already been told that
the rota boosts and the driftz are really starting to grow on me
"HONDA" tech wana-be
89 QUAD turbo build in progress
Cadwz24(Projected1) wrote:you cant do 3
He can do three, but he has to have the center bored out, and the front caps won't cover the end of the axle stud.
Buy my Hanabis instead.....
if i go with any type of rota ill have to get the center bored out correct?
"HONDA" tech wana-be
89 QUAD turbo build in progress
i like the 2 ones
k5 ftmfw!!
1 looks the best
2.340 - 60,
16.591 @ 80.52 - 1/4
wow 1 looks the best....try and get the name of those!
I like 1 and 2, 1 looks more clean looking, and 2 looks like your about to eat someone pick based on what the car is supped to be built for...
go number 2....darker bronze looks better on white imho....oh and is that a photoshop of your exhaust or is it really angled like that, if its not PS then can i get a pick of it?
^^ its not in the 3rd chop so i have a feeling its fake
yeah its photochopped i was playing around and acidently saved it as my original.
the car is going to have a built 89 quad swapped in probly during summer, so i want to keep the outside simple with clean original lines.
"HONDA" tech wana-be
89 QUAD turbo build in progress
i say #2
Member of J-body of Michigan.
_Orange_04_Eco_ wrote:wow 1 looks the best....try and get the name of those!
i believe there the Driftz 517, i chopped them from enthusiasts J
"HONDA" tech wana-be
89 QUAD turbo build in progress
oh yeah and the rota boosts arent up there, the 3rd are the rota attacks
what do you mean?
the rota attacks are the gold ones which are option 3
the rota boosts? are the 2nd ones
im a little confused
"HONDA" tech wana-be
89 QUAD turbo build in progress
oops i got them confused, the 2nd one is the rota grids.
"HONDA" tech wana-be
89 QUAD turbo build in progress
does anyone know were i can find knock off rota grids or some actual rota grids in 5X100?
"HONDA" tech wana-be
89 QUAD turbo build in progress